WorldCat Discovery self-paced training
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Title and description | Length | |
A brief look at WorldCat Discovery This is a brief introduction to WorldCat Discovery. |
7:45 |
Title and description | Length | |
WorldCat Discovery staff configuration This course provides instruction on how to set up institution information and use the staff features in WorldCat Discovery. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to administer the management of staff accounts, user support and feedback, the configuration search boxes and alternative subject headings, and other staff-maintained search features. |
41:00 | View a recorded session Transcript Learner guide |
Configure default databases and licensed content This video demonstrates how to configure your default databases and licensed content to use in WorldCat Discovery. |
9:38 | |
Configure online catalog links for WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates how to configure links to your online catalog from WorldCat Discovery. |
7:00 | |
Customize the user interface options for WorldCat Discovery This video describes the user interface options that may be configured to display in WorldCat Discovery. |
8:22 | |
Locally preferred subjects and search expansions in WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates how to locally re-map subject headings to display more inclusive language in the WorldCat Discovery interface, as well as how to define local search expansions to ensure the most relevant results are returned for users. |
6:15 |
Title and description | Length | |
WorldCat Discovery search fundamentals Upon completion of this session, learners will be able to execute basic and advanced searches, select indexes and enter terms for guided searching, and identify specific databases to search from a presented list. This module does not cover information about how to get started with WorldCat Discovery Services. |
45:00 | View a recorded session Transcript Learner guide |
Advanced searches in WorldCat Discovery This video reviews the staff features that are part of WorldCat Discovery. |
6:34 | |
Saved items and lists in WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates how to save items and lists in WorldCat Discovery. |
4:12 | |
Filter search results in WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates how to apply filters to search results in WorldCat Discovery. |
7:48 | |
Interpret the item details in WorldCat Discovery This video reviews bibliographic and other information found in WorldCat Discovery search results and on item details. |
7:10 | |
Search techniques in WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates a few search techniques in the current view of WorldCat Discovery. |
6:30 | |
Select databases from Advanced Search to search in WorldCat Discovery This video demonstrates how to select databases on the Advanced Search screen to search in WorldCat Discovery. |
6:30 |
Course Reserves
Title and description | Length | |
Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery This video provides an overview of how to activate, access, manage and search Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery. |
8:28 |