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Resource Sharing for Groups self-paced training

Find Resource Sharing for Groups training recordings and videos.

Quick start

Watch the following instructor-led training sessions and a short video for a quick start with comprehensive training on Resource Sharing for Groups. The objective of these training materials is to provide an overview of the available functionalities in both Resource Sharing for Groups and WorldShare ILL for staff unfamiliar with parts or all parts of the service. After watching these materials staff would be able to perform basic activities as a borrower and a lender such as search for items, create and process ILL requests, and answer requests. Staff will also understand the concepts of functions such as the OCLC Policies Directory, constant data, custom holdings, IFM, real-time availability, and automation. 


Title and description Lunghezza  
OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups

This video provides an overview of OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups functionalities using WorldShare ILL. The video briefly describes the automatic processes by which requests move from the patron or staff initiated requests to Resource Sharing for Groups. The video includes captions.
Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan

This course is designed for libraries that are new, first-time subscribers to WorldShare ILL, and for staff from libraries with established subscriptions but who are new to the service themselves. This course can also serve as a refresher or review for library staff who may have never had training and want more information about ILL on OCLC. During this course you will learn the basic concepts for WorldShare ILL such as  create staff account and login to the service, define ILL policies, configure ILL options to speed up request processing, and search for items to submit and process ILL requests.
1:36:00 View recorded session

 Note: This recording contains chapters and transcripts. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names and transcripts are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide 

Access the course quiz

After completing the course and course quiz, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.
WorldShare ILL - Prestito

This instructor-led training class is designed for learners familiar with the basic functionality and protocols in WorldShare ILL or learners who completed the Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan training session (live or recording).  During this course you will learn in detail about the borrower activities available in the service and how member libraries can manage and solve issues with borrowing requests initiated either by library staff or library patrons.
1:26:00 Visualizzare una sessione registrata

 Note: This recording contains chapters and transcripts. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names and transcripts are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide 

Access the course quiz 

After completing the course and course quiz, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.
WorldShare ILL - Prestito

This instructor-led training class is designed for learners familiar with the basic functionality and protocols in WorldShare ILL or learners who completed the Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan training session (live or recording). During this class, you will learn about the available lender activities in the service and how member libraries process lending requests.
1:27:00 Visualizzare una sessione registrata

 Note: This recording contains chapters. Click a chapter name to navigate to a specific topic in the recording. Chapter names are only available when viewing the recording from your computer.


Diapositive di presentazione

Learner guide 

Access the course quiz 

After completing the course and course quiz, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.

More focused training

The following  short videos provide further information on WorldShare ILL activities, part of Resource Sharing for Groups,  for staff already familiar with the basic functionalities in the service to use as reference. All videos include captions.



Title and description Lunghezza  
Borrower: Create ILL loan requests

In this video Borrowing libraries will learn how to search for items to create and send an interlibrary loan request in the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system.


Borrower: Create ILL copy requests

In this video Borrowing libraries will learn how to search for items to create and send an interlibrary copy request in the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system.


Nuovo Per le richieste ILL di revisione

New For Review is a category in OCLC Interlibrary Loan service for requests routed by the system or saved by review by staff at the library to be approved and processed at a later time. This video covers how ILL requests arrive at the New For Review category and how a staff member at the library can process the request.


Elaborare le richieste ILL in qualità di Prestatore

This video covers the steps a staff member at a borrowing library takes after an ILL request is placed in the system and needs to be processed and updated.


Richieste: Scadute, in ritardo o non evase

This video covers how to proceed with requests with the status of expired, overdue, or unfilled in WorldShare ILL


Borrower Off-System ILL requests

This video covers how borrowing libraries can add ILL requests initiated outside of OCLC WorldShare ILL into the system to manage all ILL requests in one place and be part of the supported OCLC ILL usage reports.




Title and description Lunghezza  
Scambio di articoli OCLC

This video provides an overview on what Article Exchange is and demonstrates use of Article Exchange in filling copy requests as a Lender and receiving those copies as a Borrower and emailing the AE details to the patron.



Rispondere a una richiesta di prestito ILL

This video shows how to respond to a loan request as a Lender - including responding yes, no, conditional, and responding to renewal requests.



Rispondere a una richiesta di copia ILL

Questo video mostra come rispondere a una richiesta di copia (risposta affermativa, negativa o condizionale) come Prestatore. Include l'applicazione di dati costanti e l'uso di OCLC Article Exchange.


Impostazioni di stampa


Title and description Lunghezza  
Richieste di stampa

Questo video mostra come stampare le richieste complete.


Prestatore: Stampare le fascette dei libri e le etichette per la restituzione

This video shows how to print book straps or stickers and return labels (5:35 in video) when you're the borrowing library.


Prestatore: Stampa delle fascette e delle etichette di spedizione

Questo video mostra come stampare le fascette o gli adesivi dei libri e le etichette di spedizione (5:10 del video) quando si è la biblioteca di prestito.


Gestione delle commissioni di prestito interbibliotecario (IFM)


Title and description Lunghezza  
OCLC IFM - Interlibrary Loan Fee Management

Questo video fornisce una panoramica dell'IFM e di come le biblioteche che prendono in prestito e prestano possono configurare l'IFM come metodo di pagamento.



The following videos cover topics for staff with roles for ILL administrative tasks and responsible for configuring the service at the library. All videos include captions.


Elenco delle politiche OCLC


Title and description Lunghezza  
Stabilire le politiche ILL nel Repertorio delle politiche OCLC

Le biblioteche che utilizzano i servizi di prestito interbibliotecario di OCLC impareranno a impostare e/o modificare le politiche in OCLC Policies Directory.
  • 00:00:00 - General ILL policies (Borrowing and Lending libraries)
  • 00:10:04 - Set up lending policies as lending library only (Collections and Policies tabs)




Title and description Lunghezza  
Nozioni di base sulle deflessioni
This video provides an overview on the types of ILL deflections and how you can set up deflections for items your library does not loan through ILL, including supplier status.


Deviazione di tutti gli oggetti elettronici

This video shows how to create deflection policies for all electronic items, reviews the impact it has on requests, and shows where to review statistics on requests deflected.


Deviazione delle collezioni di basi di conoscenza

Questo video esamina i passi necessari per sviare le richieste basate su termini di licenza elettronica che limitano l'ILL.


OCLC Service Configuration


Title and description Lunghezza  
Creare dati costanti per ILL

This video shows how to create, edit and maintain constant data records in OCLC Service Configuration for accuracy and efficiency in ILL borrowing and lending.


Custom holdings for interlibrary loan

Learn how to create and edit custom holdings groups and custom holdings paths then apply them to your interlibrary loan requests. Custom holdings are the group(s) of your preferred lending libraries that you can apply to your ILL requests for the system to automatically add then to the lender string on your ILL requests, thus saving you time when processing those requests.


Configurare la richiesta di WorldCat Discovery avviata dal cliente

Learn how to configure patron-initiated ILL request for WorldCat® Discovery to allow your patrons to search and identify items, then initiate requests.