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Find GreenGlass training videos.
Individual library features in GreenGlass
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What is GreenGlass?
This video provides an overview of what GreenGlass is and how it works.
Understanding Key Metrics
This video helps viewers interpret their library's Key Metrics (or collection benchmarks) as displayed in GreenGlass.
Collection Visualization
This video is focused on the GreenGlass visualization tool, which provides up to 40 different views of the library's collection of print monographs.
Item Lists and Item Details
This video describes the many details available for each item in the GreenGlass analysis and how item lists can be generated.
GreenGlass Analysis
This video explains the features of the GreenGlass Query Builder, making it possible for users to interact directly with their collection data.
Subject and Call Number Searching
This video shows how subject and call number searching work in GreenGlass.
Group features in GreenGlass
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What is GreenGlass group functionality?
In this video discover how GreenGlass group functionality is designed to support shared-print projects that focus on monographs.
Embarking on a Shared Print Project with SCS
This video provides advice on managing the early phases of an SCS shared-print project.
Understanding the Retention Model Builder
This video provides an overview of how the GreenGlass Model Builder allows users to experiment with various group-level retention scenarios.
Understanding Title Sets, Title Holdings, and Items
This video describes the importance of understanding the difference between title sets and title holdings in a shared-print context.
Successfully Implemented Retention Models
This video describes four successfully implemented retention models and suggests three critical starter questions for those getting ready to craft a GreenGlass retention model.
Post-Allocation Features in GreenGlass
After watching this video, you should be able to use the post allocation features in GreenGlass to track and analyze your library’s retention commitments in a shared print environment.
Adjusting Retention Commitments in GreenGlass
This video offers precise instructions for adding or deleting retention commitments in GreenGlass.
Prepare for a GreenGlass project
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Cataloging Questionnaire and Code Keys
This video answers frequently asked questions about the SCS Cataloging/Data Questionnaire and the required Code Keys.
Your Library's Catalog Extract
This video describes the catalog extract required for an SCS/GreenGlass project.
Establishing your list of comparator libraries
This video helps Sustainable Collection Services libraries build their list of library comparators.
GreenGlass for Monographs
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Understanding Possible Duplicates
This video shows GreenGlass users how to identify titles for which they hold multiple copies.
Understanding Multi-Edition Titles
The OCLC Work ID links related editions of the same work. This video shows how it has been incorporated into GreenGlass.
Understanding SAME and ANY Edition Holdings Tallies
This video demonstrates the two ways to estimate the extent to which other libraries widely or scarcely hold titles in your collection in GreenGlass.
State and Country Holdings Tallies
This video describes the GreenGlass nuances related to WorldCat holdings tallies for State and Country.
Understanding Print book overlap data in GreenGlass
This video describes the feature set designed to help SCS libraries see and understand the extent to which they own both print and electronic editions of the same title. In conjunction with many other GreenGlass parameters, this information can inform library decisions about which print books should be retained, and which might be good candidates for withdrawal.
Understanding HathiTrust Matches and URLs
This video describes how to identify which of your titles have been securely digitized and archived by HathiTrust and which of those titles might be made available to your users.
Combining GreenGlass Queries
This video demonstrates how to combine GreenGlass queries to establish OR logic.
Sharing GreenGlass Queries
This video suggests two ways that GreenGlass users can share their queries with colleagues.
Collection AND Location Codes in GreenGlass
This video helps SCS libraries determine whether they should invoke optional COLLECTION codes in addition to required LOCATION codes.
Understanding Out-of-Scope Records
This video SCS filters records out of the analysis if they do not match the established project scope. This video shows how to retrieve your out-of-scope records, and learn why they were filtered out.
GreenGlass for Serials
Title and description
What is GreenGlass for Serials?
In this video, discover how GreenGlass will help libraries understand their print serials collection in new ways.
GreenGlass for Serials - Analysis
In this video, discover how to use the analysis tab in GreenGlass to analyze your library's serials collection.
GreenGlass for Serials: Holdings Lists, Title Details, and Exported Lists
In this video, you’ll learn about Holdings Lists, Title Details, and Exported Lists in GreenGlass for Serials. If you haven’t yet watched the GreenGlass for Serials Analysis video, we recommend you view that video first, then come back to this one.