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Verify or change your account information

Learn how to verify or change your account information in OCLC Service Configuration.

 Note: These instructions only apply if you signed in to Service Configuration with a WorldCat Account.

After you Sign in to Service Configuration, you can verify or change your account information.

  1. On the Service Configuration home page, in the upper right corner, click Need Help?
  2. Select Manage WorldCat Account.
  3. From the home page, sign in and select My profile.
  4. From the My Profile screen, select Edit Profile.
  5. Change any fields, if needed.
  6. Click Save Personal Information.
  7. (Optional). If you need to change your password, navigate to
    1. From the landing page, click Sign in.
    2. Enter your email address in the Email Address text field.
    3. Click Continue > SET / RESET PASSWORD.
    4. In the Request New Password window, enter your email address and then click REQUEST NEW PASSWORD. The email associated with your User Name will receive an email containing a link that lets you reset your password. The link expires in 24 hours. Please check the spam folder if you do not see the email.
    5. Click the link in the email message to reset your password.