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Circulation workflows for using your ILS in parallel with WMS

Find how your ILS and WMS relate to each other when conditions in this document are met.


This document explains how your ILS and WMS relate to each other when these conditions are met: 

  • No migration of circulation transactions, holds, or fines
  • Both systems (ILS and WMS) are run in parallel

 Note: The most common reason to run parallel systems is that you chose not to migrate your circulation data from your ILS to WMS.

Flussi di lavoro

Check ins All check ins would go through both systems, old (ILS) before new (WMS) to satisfy existing holds in the old system before holds placed in the new system.
Checkouts All new checkouts would take place in WMS.
Billing Notices Notices would be produced and sent via both systems.
Fines Patrons with fines would not be prevented from checking out in WMS.
Hold Requests All new hold requests would take place in WMS.
Item Status Information Accurate item status information must be confirmed by looking in both systems.
New Patrons You will manually synchronize all new patrons registered between the time you sent your patron data to OCLC and production use date of WMS. After you begin production use of WMS, all new patrons will be added to WMS only.
Overdue Notices Notices would be produced and sent via both systems.
Patron Accounts Patrons will have to monitor both old (ILS) and new (WMS) accounts for accurate display of the status of their checked out items, hold requests, and fines.

Ending Parallel Systems

After a period of time, perhaps a month, you would manually copy any remaining checkouts, holds, and fines from your old ILS to WMS.

No further activity would take place in the old system and patron access to the old ILS OPAC would be blocked.