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OCLC Support

Why is my course reserves search box no longer working?

Applies to
  • WorldCat Discovery

OCLC allows the generation of a search box that you can embed on your local website or elsewhere, and this search box offers several features and customizations. However, course reserves are not among the parameters that can be set natively in OCLC Service Configuration. If your search box was able to search course reserves previously, it is likely due to coding changes that were made after the code was retrieved from Service Configuration, but before or while the code was embedded on your page.

In light of the change to the new Discovery interface (transition required as of early August, 2021), some custom code appears to have broken. This may be due to the change in Discovery URL or to certain coding syntax that is no longer interoperable with the new interface. OCLC is unable to troubleshoot matters related to custom code, but we hope this information is helpful towards a local solution.

Additional information

Search Box Generator

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