Why do I get the Error "There was an error while displaying your record." when I search WorldCat Discovery from the Search Box widget?
- When I perform a search in the Search Box on my library website, the search returns an error message of "There was an error while displaying your record."
- Searching from the WorldCat Discovery site leads to no error, but when I use the search box on our library's site, I get the error.
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
There has been a change in your configuration that affects the search box code, and it is now out of date. You'll need to make a change to the Search Box Configuration, save it, and test the code again.
- Navigate to Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Search Box Generator
- Configure your Search Box
- Copy the code and insert it in your library website
Note that at the top of the Search Box Generator page you can see a preview of what your widget will look like. You can also test the search box here.
If refreshing the code does not resolve the issue, please contact OCLC Support.
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