How to stop incorrect links from Digital Collection Gateway from displaying in Discovery
- You are seeing a broken link in WorldCat Discovery that says "Item Resolution URL"
- The 856$x of the MARC record has a note that says "This 856 field was generated using the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway"
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
This type of link comes from the 856 field URL of a WorldCat record generated from the Digital Collection Gateway (a self-service tool intended to support libraries harvesting their open-access digital content into WorldCat). OCLC is unable to make changes to records harvested from Digital Collection Gateway. These records must be cleaned up by the cataloging library. That is because any new harvest of the record from the cataloging source's OAI repository will overwrite any changes that OCLC Bibchange staff or your catalogers would make to the record.
Option 1: Contact the cataloging institution
OCLC recommends that you contact the cataloging library and ask them to update the link from the record data inside their OAI repository. The cataloging library's OCLC symbol can be found in the 040$a field of the record, and you can use the Directory of OCLC members to find the library's contact information if needed.
Option 2: Disable display of all Digital Collection Gateway links
Display of DCG links is enabled in the OCLC Service Configuration ( > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Full Text and Open Access Links. There is a checkbox for WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway (i.e., OAIster, CONTENTdm, etc.). You may choose to disable this setting, but it will affect DCG link display on all records in Discovery, not just the record with the incorrect link.