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Perform a list search

Discover how to perform a list search in

Search for a list

  1. Click Lists in the header. The Lists screen opens with an auto-generated list of lists.
    Select Lists search field drop-down list.
  2. Enter a list name in the search field.
  3. Click the Search button (Search button) or press <Enter>. Your search results appear sorted by most recently created/updated.
  4. Click a list name to view all items in the list.

Sort list results

Utilizzare le opzioni dell'elenco a discesa Ordina per per determinare l'ordinamento dei risultati della ricerca.

Sort option Behavior
Date (Most Recent) (default) Sorts chronologically by list update date with the newly updated lists appearing first.
Date (Least Recent) Sorts chronologically by list update date with the newly updated lists appearing last.
List Name (A-Z) Sorts by special characters, then alphabetically by list name. Only the article "the" is ignored.
List Name (Z-A) Sorts by special characters, then in reverse alphabetical order by list name. Only the article "the" is ignored.