Your user profile
About your user profile
When you create a account, a profile is automatically created for you. You can enter as much or as little information in your profile as you want. If you do not feel comfortable entering certain types of information, you may leave those fields blank.
From your user profile page, you can:
- View your favorite libraries.
- Update your display name.
- Set Privacy Settings and choose to hide your entire profile.
- View your lists and lists you follow.
- View and manage your favorite libraries.
Edit your user profile
- Click Sign In.
- Enter your user name and password.
- Click Continue.
- Select My Profile from the Profile drop-down menu.
- Your user profile consists of three screens. Use the drop-down menu to open each screen.
My Profile
The My Profile screen, which opens by default, allows you to update your user profile as needed.
Campo | Editable | Descrizione |
Display name | Y | The display name you entered when creating your account. Note: Public profiles must have a display name. To update your display name:
Username/Email address | N | The username or email address you entered when creating your account. |
Profile visibility | Y | The profile visibility you selected when creating your account. To update your profile visibility:
Manage account | N/A | You can delete your profile information, but lists associated with your institution and your sign-in credentials will not be deleted. Caution: This action cannot be undone. To delete your account:
Favorite Libraries
The Favorite Libraries screen allows you to view and manage your favorite libraries. You can add up to five favorite libraries to your user profile.
Edit the order of your favorite libraries tailors your experience based on the order of your favorite libraries. To update the order of your favorite libraries:
- Click Edit order.
- Select a library and drag it to the desired position.
Select a library and click Move down or Move up until it reaches the desired position. - Click Done.
Remove a favorite library
To remove a library from the Favorite Libraries screen:
- Click the Favorite Libraries button (
). The Remove favorite library opens.
- Click Remove. The Remove favorite library dialog closes and the selected library is removed from the Favorite Libraries screen.
The Lists screen allows you to manage and view your WorldCat lists and those you follow.
Ricerche salvate
The Saved Searches screen allows you to manage and view your saved searches.
web visibility program participants. You must be signed in to using a staff account.
Note: The Insights screen is only accessible Insights allows you to view and export click-through statistics from to your library's catalog.
The Insights screen provides two areas of data:
- Engagement with your library - Displays data about how people interacted with your content and library profile on
Measure Descrizione Total impressions - Total count of the following Engagement with your library stats: WorldCat profile visits The number of users who visited your library profile on Catalog visits The number of users who clicked the Go to the library's catalog link from your library's profile page and item details in List visits The number of users who visited your library's lists. OCLC Support. Note: If your library has never signed in to or WorldShare or if your consortium needs statistics, please contact - Access to your library material - Displays data about how people interacted with your items from item details and in the Get it from [your library] drawer on
Measure Descrizione Total impressions The total number of times a user interacted with your items on on item detail pages. E-links The number of users who clicked an E-links link in the Get it from [your library] drawer. Borrow item The number of users who clicked the Borrow action for your library anywhere on the item details page. Requests via ILL The number of users who clicked the Request this item via ILL link in the Get it from [your library] drawer. OpenURL resolver vists The number of users who clicked the OpenURL Resolver link in the Get it from [your library] drawer.
Adjust the date range for Insights
By default, the Insights screen displays metrics for the last 30 days. You can adjust the date range for the previous week, month, 90-day period, or one year at a time.
To adjust the Insights date range:
- Click the Date range text field.
- Select a new date range. You can set your own date range or select one of the following predefined options.
- Last Week
- Last Month
- Last 90 days
- Last 365 days
Note: Access to statistics prior to the launch of the new website in August 2022 is available via the website. For statistics older than one year but post-August 2022, please contact OCLC Support. - Reset - Click to reset the Insights date range to the last 30 days.
- After you select a new date range, the Insights data updates automatically.
Export Insights
Click Export to automatically export the Insights to your computer. The Insights export as a .CSV file.