Administrative module direct links

Learn how to use the WorldCat Services module manage direct links for FirstSearch.

Below, you can link directly into specific control panels within the WorldCat Services Administrative Module by task.

Management task Descrizione Direct admin module link
Display your library's logo within FirstSearch Add your logo to strengthen your library's "mindshare" among users and to remind them who is providing access.
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Go to Your Library control panel >>
Connect users to resources from your library's collection through "deep links" Let people in your library (using FirstSearch) and in your community (doing broad searches on Web sites such as Yahoo! and Google) identify and obtain items from your collection through links to your online catalog.
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Go to Web Library Catalogs control panel >>
Integrate full-text options from other sources Ensure that your users can reach everything available in your library's collection with OpenURL link access to full-text and Web-based services from selected FirstSearch databases.
More information >>
Go to OpenURL Links control panel >>
Identify resources from library partners Guide your patrons to resources from partner libraries. When your FirstSearch subscription includes the WorldCat database, you can create a "Custom Library Group," a subset of library holdings that are easily identified from search results by an icon and group name.
More information >>
Go to Custom Library Groups control panel >>
Enable user-initiated interlibrary loan Streamline the creation and delivery of borrowing requests to potential lenders, and help your users obtain resources faster, by activating links from FirstSearch databases to WorldShare ILL or e-mail-based ILL.
More information >>
Go to ILL Processing control panel >>
Authenticate your users' secure access Facilitate automatic logon for your users whether they're physically in the library or working from a remote location. IP address recognition will authenticate them for access while preserving your account security.
More information >>
Go to IP Address Recognition control panel >>

 Note: Links will first take you to the Administrative Module logon page where you enter your FirstSearch account authorization and administrative password. After a successful logon, you will be taken directly to the control panel for the selected task.