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Can I choose a default search mode for FirstSearch?

Applies to
  • FirstSearch

Yes, you can specify the default search screen within the Administrative Module. The options are Basic, Advanced, or Expert.

Users can change the search screen during their search sessions if they do not want to use the default you select.

  • The Basic search screen lets users type search words in a single box and choose one of a few main indexes.
  • The Advanced search screen lets users type search words in multiple boxes, choose Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine search words, choose any available indexes, choose any available search limits, and choose options for ranking search results.
  • The Expert search screen provides an area for users who prefer to type the elements of a search without system prompts. Sometimes a few highly specialized indexes are only listed in the Expert Search screen. These indexes can be searched within all search screens by placing the search label in front of the terms being searched. The search label overrides the index name displayed in the search box.
Additional Information

WorldCat Services Admin module documentation

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