Use results

Learn how to mark, email and print search results in FirstSearch.

Mark records

  1. Check the checkbox in front of each record to be marked
  2. Click Mark All at the bottom of the screen to mark all records on one page of results.
  3. Select Next button to go to the next page and Previous button to go to the previous page of results if you would like to mark records on other pages.
     Note: You can mark a maximum of 100 records.
  4. Click Clear Marks at the bottom of the screen if you would like to remove all marks you have made on all pages.
     Note: The Clear Marks button removes marks from all previous and subsequent pages on the list of results. Use this button only when you want to remove all marks you have made.

View marked records

FirstSearch keeps track of the records you have marked during your current session.

To... Do this...
View all marked records Select Marked Records in the Navigation Menu.

The Marked Records screen is displayed. From this screen you can:
  • view a detailed or a brief record for each marked record
  • clear individual records
  • clear all marked records
  • email, export, or print records
  • save records locally
  • view full text for each marked record, if available

For more information, select Help (Help button) on the Marked Records screen.

Email records

Email up to 100 brief or detailed records in either HTML or text format. If you have access to full text, you can email the full text of an item. The Send options displayed will depend on the screen from which you've selected the Email button (Email button).

  1. Click the Email button (Email button) in the Control panel at the top or bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a Send option.
    if you selected Email button on this screen: you can send:
    List of Records All records on the current page of results
    Marked records from the current database search only.
    Detailed Record Detailed Record
    Marked Records
    Marked Records Marked Records
    Libraries that Own Item Holdings Record
    Testo completo Fulltext Record
    Marked Records

     Note: If you selected the PDF or RealPage full text button for a record, use the viewer's print function to print the complete text of the record.
  3. Select a Record detail:
    1. Brief record(s) - Sends brief bibliographic summaries
    2. Detailed record(s) - Sends full bibliographic record information
  4. Select  Record format:
    1. Send as HTML
    2. Send as plain text (you must specify the maximum number of characters per line)
  5. Enter the recipient's email address in the To e-mail address: box.

    Optionally, you can enter a send email in the Sender e-mail address: box, and you can enter your name in the Your full name: box. These are especially useful when you are sending email to another person. (Note that for security, your account number and IP address are also sent.)

    You can supply an optional subject in the Subject: box. If the box is left empty, the title of the first record send is used.
  6. Enter any notes you would like to include in the Notes: box.
  7. Select Send. You may be prompted to enter a password when sending full text.

Print records

In FirstSearch you can print a list of records, an individual detailed record, a group of marked records, or the contents of a Saved Records folder. If you have access to full text, you can also print the complete text of an item.

  1. Select the Print button (Print button). FirstSearch reformats the screen to display only the main dialog. The Navigation menu and Control Panel are temporarily removed.
     Note: If you have marked any records, the checkmarks will be visible in the printed copy.
  2. When you are finished, select the Return button (Return button) at the top right or bottom right of the screen to return to the original format. The Navigation menu and Control Panel are displayed along with the main dialog.
  3. Select the Prev (Previous button) or Next (Next button) buttons to go to other pages you would like to print.