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Number of library holdings

Find the codes used to indicate the number of holdings a library has in WorldCat FirstSearch.

Use the following codes with the Number of libraries (cg:) index.

number of holdings range "code"
2500 or more 31
2000 to 2499 30
1500 to 1999 29
1000 to 1499 28
900 to 999 27
800 to 899 26
700 to 799 25
600 to 699 24
500 to 599 23
400 to 499 22
300 to 399 21
200 to 299 20
150 to 199 19
100 to 149 18
75 to 99 17
50 to 74 16
25 to 49 15
10 to 24 14
5 to 9 13
2 to 4 12
1 11
0 10