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Indexes and examples of an advanced search

Find indexes and examples of advanced search in FirstSearch.

Indexes and examples of an advanced search

The following table includes the most common indexes available at the advanced search level. Use the drop-down index menu on the Advanced Search screen to see additional indexes for this database.

Indexes and examples of an advanced search - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Autore coffee
milletto bruce (or bruce milletto)
Parola chiave coffee and tea house+
Standard number 1092-177x
Subject kenya
kenyan coffee
Titolo music w3 british
organ music with a british accent
Year 1991

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ArticleFirst

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ArticleFirst - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave coffee and tea house+
Tipo di articolo review
Article type phrase book review
Autore coffee
Author phrase coffee john*
First page x15
Identifier report
Problema 20-may-1999
OCLC number 30678983
Editore mcgraw-hill
Publication date 20011120
november 20, 2000
Fonte kenya
Source phrase kenya coffee
Standard number 1092-177x
Titolo music w3 british
Title phrase organ music with a british accent
Volume 76b

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ClasePeriodica

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ClasePeriodica - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave absoluta and efecto
(Keyword searches include the following indexes: Source Phrase, Subject, and Title)
Abstract escala
Accession Number CLA0001234
Article Type Phrase articulo
(use to limit other search terms; browse index for available article type)
Autore rodriguez
Author Phrase rodriguez alvaro
(last name first)
Author Affiliation Clinica Veterinaria
Corporate Author Phrase Citigroup Global Markets
Descriptor salud
Descriptor Phrase salud publica
Identifier logica
Language Phrase ingles
Data di pubblicazione 2002
(browse index for available dates and date format)
Fonte gaceta
Source Phrase gaceta de economia
Standard Number 0325-1926
Subject flexibilidad
Subject Phrase flexibilidad laboral
Titolo formacao
Title Phrase formacao dos compostos no portugues

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in Electronic Collections Online (ECO)

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in Electronic Collections Online (ECO) - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave coffee and tea house+
Abstract arabica
Accession number 00320862102pn0654
Tipo di articolo rapid communication
Autore o'hara
Author affiliation coffee research
Author phrase ohara hidetaka
First page a1
Identifier stress fract*
Identifier phrase work stress
Problema 3&4
Lingua german
Publication date 19970828
Editore kluwer
Reference whey
Fonte tropical animal
Source phrase tropical animal health and production
Standard number 0008-4204
Titolo coffee composting
Title phrase accelerated coffee pulp composting
Volume 10

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ERIC

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in ERIC - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave coffee and doughnuts
(keyword searches the Abstract, Notes, Source Phrase, Subject, and Title indexes)
Abstract house+
Accession number EJ557471
Associated institution seychelles
Association institution phrase sallie mae, washington, dc
Autore o'hara
Author phrase o'hara, john
ohara john
(last name first)
Corporate author council of teachers
Corporate author phrase national council of teachers of mathematics, inc., reston, va
Date of entry 2005
Descriptor tax
Descriptor phrase education majors
Education level phrase primary education
Identifier permutation+
Identifier phrase pascal triangle
Level of availability 1
[Level 1 - Available on microfiche.
Level 2 - Available on microfiche.
Level 3 - Indexed only.]
Nota attitude+
Publication date 1990
(browse index for date formats)
Publication type bibliographies
Publication type phrase non-print media
Report number 565ah70023
Fonte math
Source phrase nctm math notes
Standard number 0008-820x
Subject curriculum
Subject phrase curriculum development
Target audience teachers
Titolo british isle+
Title phrase summer programs in the british isles

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in GPO

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in GPO - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave byproduct+
Abstract higher education
Access method army
Autore o'hara
Author phrase ohara, charles g
ohara charles g
Conference name federal forecasters conference
Corporate Author overseas private investment corporation
Descriptors scanner+
Descriptors phrase bar coding
Edition 2nd
Geographic Name cape cod mass
Government document number 93congserial
(browse the index for available numbers)
Item number 40-b-1
Map data scale or scales
Named conference Lunar materials technology symposium
Named corporation phrase renssalaer polytechnic institute
Named person okeefe georgia
Nota treaty
OCLC number 6001018
Place of publication ohio
Editore mcgraw-hill
Record type phrase Electronic resource
(use to refine other search terms)
Report number 807drr880pt1
Series Statement metallurgical
Standard number 0036-8741
Stock number 803-004-00000-5
Subject coffee+
Subject phrase food processing
Titolo music application+
Title phrase music professional training
Year 1997

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in MEDLINE

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in MEDLINE - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave parkinson
Abstract hemolymphoid
Accession number 10977382
(displays with label PMID)
Indirizzo denver general becomes ljoumichedu
(use email addresses without special characters such as @ and dots)
Article type phrase clinical trial
(use to limit other search terms; browse index for available article types)
Autore kore
Author phrase smith ab 3rd
(last name first; browse index for exact name formats)
Central concept placebo effect
Chemical substance formaldehyde
Corporate author phrase french university association for surgical research
Date of entry 19861015
Date of last revision 20001218
Identifier genetics
Identifier phrase nasa discipline exobiology
Language phrase french
(browse index for available languages)
MeSH heading family
MeSH heading phrase family practice
Molecular sequence k01239
Named person phrase ewing j
(last name first; browse index for exact name formats)
Notes/comments erratum
Place of publication italy
(use name of country)
Publication date 1998
(browse index for date formats)
Record status phrase in-process
(browse index for record status formats)
Record type phrase dentistry
(use to limit other search terms; browse index for available record types)
Fonte viral immunol*
Source phrase viral immunology
Standard number 0369-8394
Subject transplant+
Subject phrase corneal transplantation
Titolo end-diastolic flow
Title phrase rat-bite fever
Year 1998-1999

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in OAIster

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in OAIster - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave predecessor institutions
Abstract history
Access Method http
Accession number 727053137
Autore wessels
Author phrase wessels martin
(last name first)
Language phrase english
(used to refine other search terms)
Nota university archivist
Place of Publication hartford
Publication date 20050407
Editore university surrey guildford
Series olr research report
Fonte gender behavior
Standard Number 9781109734126
Subject mathematics
Subject phrase mathematics statistics
Titolo contact networks
Title phrase modeling protein contact networks

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in PapersFirst

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in PapersFirst - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave pesticide+
Accession number cn008437117
Autore messier
Author phrase chipperfield, m p
BL location 0729.836310
Conference location manchester
Conference name european
Conference name phrase European conference 9th
Conference sponsor society 
Conference sponsor phrase Società americana degli ingegneri meccanici
Date of Conference apr 1994
Editor marletta
Editor phrase marletta giovanni
Identifier astronomy
Language phrase german
Nota mountain
Editore cambridge
Publication date 1994
Series title oncology
Series title phrase international journal of photoenergy
Fonte cardiology
Source phrase american ethnic rhetorics
Standard number ISSN = 0730-0301
ISBN = 0080440711
Subject brain
Subject phrase neural networks robotics
Titolo fire
Title phrase Fighting fire with fire brain stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in Proceedings

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in Proceedings - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave desert+
Accession number pcfiwases3elsevier19951994se
BL location q88/04009
Conference location new delhi
Conference name countryside
Conference name phrase World environment congress
Conference sponsor spie
Conference sponsor phrase Indian council for cultural relations
Content type astratti
Content type phrase printed papers
Date of conference 1985
Editor Nicolis
Editor phrase Nicolis G
Identifier probability theory
Language phrase Spanish
Nota food*
Publication date 1990
Editore ICCR
Series psychiatry
Series title phrase key engineering materials
Standard Number 0001-2092
Subject mathematical studies
Subject phrase maternal nutrition
Table of Contents foster
Table of Contents phrase brain efflux pathways for gp120
Titolo cannabinoids
Title phrase symposium a la memoire de francois jaeger

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in SCIPIO

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in SCIPIO - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave coffee or tea and house+
Accession number 37993343
Auction house name American Art
American Art Association, Anderson Galleries Firm
Citation index lugt
Date of sale 01312007 (searching single date January 31, 2007)
01312007-02142007 (searching dates from January 31 to February 14, 2007)
012007-022007 (searching dates in January and February 2007)
2006-2007 (searching any day in either year)
Lingua danish
Notes/Comments translation-adaptation
Place of sale paris
Editore mcgraw-hill
Publisher location china
Sale code "LO1703 LEVER"
Seller/Subject "francis leventritt"
estate of francis leventritt
Titolo music w3 british w3 enlightenment
Title phrase music theory in the british isles during the enlightenment

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in WorldCat

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in WorldCat - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Parola chiave coffee or tea and house+
(keyword searches, publication year, ISBN, geographic codes, map data, and all the information found in the Author, Title, Notes, Publisher, Publisher location, and Subject indexes)
Access Method www oclc org (or) oclc
(omit https://, and use spaces instead of any punctuation or special characters)
Accession Number 37993343
(OCLC number)
Autore saint-hilaire
yves 'le' drezen
(use single quotes around 'le' and other words that are operators. Operators supported in FirstSearch: Boolean search operators, parentheses, proximity operators, wildcards. Operators included are le, ge, it, gt, n, near, w, with, and, or, not.)
Author phrase saint-hilaire, amable vilain de
(use double quotes around exact phrases)
le drezen, yves
(omit single quote from 'le' operator when the double quote is used to search for an exact phrase; retain first comma for personal names only)
Corporate and Conference Name canadian
Corporate and Conference Name phrase canadian acoustics week
Descriptor voice disorders
Genre/Form screenplays
Geographic Coverage capetown
ISBN 3196311821 or 31-9631-182-1
9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4
(search with or without hyphens)
ISSN 0000-0019
(use hyphens)
Material Type drawing
Material Type phrase technical drawing
Musical Composition jazz
Musical Composition phrase folk music
Named Corporation and Conference intel corporation
Named Person mandela
Notes/Comments translation-adaptation
Personal Name lemaire
Editore mcgraw-hill
Publisher Location china
Series Title Canada series
Standard Number 1097461x or 1097-461x
9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4
1550463160 or 155-0463-160
(for all searches, hyphens can be included in the search or removed; for the LCCN number, only the number used for storage, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, is indexed; many other standard numbers are included in this index)
Subject coffee and tea house+
Subject phrase coffeehouses in art
Titolo music w3 british w3 enlightenment
Title phrase music theory in the british isles during the enlightenment

 Note: There are additional, often very specific, indexes available in WorldCat at the Expert search level. See Index labels and examples for more information or switch to the Expert level to try these additional indexes.

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

Indexes and examples of an advanced search in WorldCat Dissertations and Theses - Table
indici di ricerca examples
Autore michael panarisi or
panarisi Michael
cabanillas francisco or
francisco cabanillas
Parola chiave "frank Lloyd wright" and usonian
Notes (includes degree-granting institution, degree) syracuse university
Standard number 3540287070 or 9783540287070
Subject Opera+
"avian influenza"
Titolo flight from mediaevalism
Teatro de humor en España
Year 2000