Values for the topic component
This document contains the values for the topic component used in accessing FirstSearch with IP address recognition.
More information about IP address recognition access is available at IP address recognition.
OCLC-supplied topic areas
The following table contains the values for the topic component for the OCLC-supplied topic areas.
OCLC-supplied topic area | Component value in FirstSearch | Alternative component value in FirstSearch |
Arts & Humanities | artshumanities | 1 |
Business & Economia | businesseconomics | 2 |
Conferences & Proceedings | conferencesproceedings | 3 |
Consumer Affairs & People | consumeraffairspeople | 4 |
Istruzione | education | 5 |
Ingegneria & Tecnologia | engineeringtechnology | 6 |
General | general | 7 |
General Science | generalscience | 8 |
Life Sciences | lifesciences | 9 |
Medicine/Health, Consumer | medicinehealthconsumer | 10 |
Medicine/Health, Professional | medicinehealthprofessional | n/a |
News & Current Events | newscurrentevents | 11 |
Public Affairs & Law | publicaffairslaw | 12 |
Quick Reference | quickreference | n/a |
Social Sciences | socialsciences | 13 |
List All Databases | all | 14 |
Custom topic areas
For FirstSearch, you can create your own database topic areas using the administrative module. You can use the topic component to specify your custom topic areas.
For information about defining custom topic areas in the administrative module, see Customize databases and full text.
The administrative module is available at To log on, use your FirstSearch authorization number and administrative password.
To find the topic component values to use for custom topic areas:
- In the administrative module, create custom topic areas and specify that they be displayed when databases are listed by topic in FirstSearch.
- In FirstSearch, go to the feature for listing databases by topic and view the source for the feature's page.
- Locate the list of topic areas in the source. Use the option value for the custom topic area as the value for the topic component. For example, in the source list of topic areas below, 104 is the topic component value for the Language topic area.
<!-- Dynamically Generated by fstopicselect --> <SELECT ID="topics" NAME="topics" SIZE="1"> <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="100">Generalities</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="100">Generalities (5)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="101">Philosophy & psychology (4)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="102">Religion (2)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="103">Social sciences (6)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=" 104 "> Language (3)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="105">Natural sciences & mathematics (5)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="106">Technology (applied sciences) (8)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="107">The arts (fine and decorative) (4)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="108">Literature & rhetoric (2)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="109">Geography & history (5)</OPTION> </SELECT> <!-- Dynamically Generated by fstopicselect -->