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Add your library's logo to FirstSearch

Learn how to add your library's logo to FirstSearch.

You can add your library's logo to the OCLC FirstSearch service using the administrative module or IP address recognition. The logo appears throughout each FirstSearch session at either the upper left or upper right of each FirstSearch screen, depending on where you designated it to appear. For best results, the logo's image should be 40 pixels high. If the image is not 40 pixels high, FirstSearch scales its height to 40 pixels and scales its width proportionally.

How to add the logo using the administrative module

Before you begin this task, you should know the following:

  • The URL of your library logo's image file (it must be in a location that is accessible to your users)
  • Whether you want your library's logo to appear at the upper left or upper right of each FirstSearch screen
  • Whether you want your logo to be a hypertext link, and the URL of the location where you want your users to go when they click it (upper left only)
  • Whether you want text to appear when a cursor hovers over your logo, and what the text should be (upper left only)
  • Whether you want text to appear next to your logo, and what the text should be (upper left or upper right)

To add the logo using the administrative module:

  1. Log on to the administrative module.
  2. Click Your Library Settings in the Interface Display section of the main menu.
    The system displays the Your Library screen.
  3. If you want your library's logo to appear on the upper left of the screen, type the URL of the logo's image file in the Logo field under Upper Left Logo (type over "FirstSearch").
    If you want your library's logo to appear on the upper right of the screen, type the URL of the logo's image file in the Logo field under Upper Right Logo.
    Note: The logo URL must begin with https:// and be no longer than 255 characters. The logo itself must be no higher than 40 pixels.
  4. If you want text to appear next to your logo, type your text in the Text field under Upper Left Logo or Upper Right Logo, depending on where you designated your logo to appear in the previous step.
    Note: Text is not required. By default, your library's name is displayed in the upper right of the FirstSearch interface. You can modify how your library's name appears by updating the text in the Upper Right Text field.
  5. If you chose for your logo to appear at the upper left, and if you want your logo to be a hypertext link, type the URL for the link in the Hypertext field.
  6. If you chose for your logo to appear at the upper left, and if you want text to appear when a cursor hovers over your logo, type the text in the Alt Text field.
  7. To see the results of your settings, click the Test button located below the box.
    The system displays a new browser window containing a FirstSearch service screen. The logo and any associated screen text appears at the location you designated.
  8. Exit the FirstSearch service and close its window.
  9. If the test is successful, click Save Changes.

    The system confirms your changes.

    Note: If you have removed the FirstSearch logo in the upper left area and want to restore it, type FirstSearch in the Logo under Upper Left Logo. The system will display the FirstSearch logo on a black background.

How to add the logo using IP address recognition access

To add the logo using IP address recognition access:

  1. Include the following component in URLs: logo=[URL for the image file]
    For example:
  2. Include the URLs in links to FirstSearch on your library's Web pages.

Notes about logo images

The following table contains information about logo images used in FirstSearch.

Characteristic Note
Background color When you choose to place your library logo on the Upper Left, the library logo will appear in the following default background color options:
Blue - hex value 6699CC
Green - hex value 669966
Gray - hex value 666666
Classic - hex value 006699
Custom - the color associated with the hex value you enter
Text font Tahoma Bold is the font of the text in the FirstSearch menu in which library logos appear.
Image size 40 pixels high is the recommended image size.
Image scaling If the image is not 40 pixels high, FirstSearch scales its height to 40 pixels and scales its width proportionally.
Size of image file A large file can slow access to FirstSearch while the image is first saved in the browser. If your users access FirstSearch via a modem, an image file of less than 3,000 bytes is recommended.
Location of image file The URL for the image file must begin with https:// and include the complete address of the file. The file must be located where it can be accessed by users of your FirstSearch account.
Image file formats GIF or JPEG is recommended.
GIF format GIF format is better for logos, type, and similar flat color images. It supports transparency.
JPEG format JPEG format is better for photographs and other images with subtle color changes. It does not support transparency. For example, type in the box provided and click the Test button.