FirstSearch training
Find training on FirstSearch here.
OCLC offers live and recorded instructor-led training sessions and shorter videos on FirstSearch.
Training questions? Please visit OCLC Training FAQ.
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FirstSearch overview: Searching WorldCat in FirstSearch
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View a recorded session
This course provides coverage of various search capabilities within FirstSearch, including demonstrations on how to use indexes, limiters, and other techniques to obtain optimal search results.
A brief look at FirstSearch
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This four-minute video provides an overview of OCLC FirstSearch service.
FirstSearch: Configure deep links to your library catalog
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This four-minute video shows how to register the links to your library catalog to display in FirstSearch results.
Configuring Patron-Initiated Request for FirstSearch
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This six-minute video shows how to configure patron-initiated ILL requesting for FirstSearch to allow your patrons to search and identify items, then initiate requests for those materials without the assistance of your library staff.