Database name | WorldCat |
Short database name | OLUC |
Available on | FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and |
Sources | OCLC member libraries |
Number of records | Over 460 million |
Copertura | Before 1000 BC to present |
Update frequency | Daily |
Producer | OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. |
Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches. For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Search indexes | Labels | Esempi |
Parola chiave | kw: | coffee or tea and house+ [keyword searches, publication year, ISBN, geographic codes, map data, and all the information found in the Author, Title, Notes, Publisher, Publisher location, and Subject indexes] |
Access Method | am: | www oclc org [or] oclc [omit https://, and use spaces instead of periods or slashes] |
Access Restrictions | rs: | unrestricted |
Access Restrictions Phrase | rs= | unrestricted online access |
Accession Number | no: | 37993343 [OCLC number] |
Autore | au: | saint-arroman (use single quotes around 'le' and other words that are operators; operators supported in FirstSearch: Boolean search operators, parentheses, proximity operators, wildcards; operators included are le, ge, it, gt, n, near, w, with, and, or, not) |
Author Phrase | au= | saint-arroman auguste (use double quotes around exact phrases; omit single quote from 'le' operator when the double quote is used to search for an exact phrase) |
Corporate and Conference Name | cn: | canad* |
Corporate and Conference Name Phrase | cn= | canadian acoustics week |
Country of Publication | cp: | Norway |
Country of Publication Phrase | cp= | Nova Scotia |
Descriptor | de: | voice disorders |
Descriptor Phrase | de= | voice disorders in children |
Dewey Class Edition | d2: | 19 (edition used to assign Dewey Class Number) |
Dewey Class Number | dd: | 998.900 [index deletes and collapses spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
Genre/Form | ge: | solo piano |
Genre/Form Phrase | ge= | screenplays |
Geographic Coverage | gc: | cape |
Geographic Coverage Phrase | gc= | capetown |
Gov Doc Number | gn: | y4p9610w292 [omit spaces and punctuation] |
ISBN | nb: | 3196311821 or 31-9631-182-1 9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4 [search with or without hyphens] |
ISSN | sn: | 0000-0019 [use hyphens] |
LC Control Number | nl: | ne64-2560 or ne64002560 or ne642560 or 64-2560 or 64002560 or 642560 (prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed; hyphens can be included or removed; the number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeros) |
Library and Archives Canada Class No. | ca: | sf209.5 [index deletes and collapses spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
Library of Congress Call No. | lc: | hd9000.6 [index deletes and collapses all spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
Material Type | mt: | vhs |
Material Type Phrase | mt= | vhs tape |
Musical Composition | mc: | jazz |
Musical Composition Phrase | mc= | folk music |
Music Number | mu: | has19832 [concatenates all punctuation and spaces up to a dash or double hyphen] |
Named Corporation and Conference | nc: | world conference on women |
Named Corporation and Conference Phrase | nc= | intel corporation |
Named Person | na: | mandela |
Named Person Phrase | na= | mandela, nelson [last name first with first comma retained] |
Natl Ag Lib Call No. | ag: | sf223.w47 [index deletes and collapses spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
NLM Call Number | lm: | hv4915 [index deletes and collapses spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
NLM Call Number Phrase | lm= | hv4915g461999 [index deletes and collapses spaces and punctuation, except periods] |
Notes/Comments | nt: | translation-adaptation |
Personal Name | pn: | lemaire |
Personal Name Phrase | pn= | lemaire gerard-georges [use last name first with or without the first comma retained] |
Editore | pb: | mcgraw-hill |
Publisher Phrase | pb= | new star media inc |
Publisher Location | pl: | china |
Report Number | rn: | nofhwap179012 [omit spaces and punctuation] |
Series Title | se: | emb report |
Series Title Phrase | se= | emb evaluation report |
Standard Number | sn: | 1097461x or 1097-461x 9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4 1550463160 or 155-0463-160 64002560 (for all searches, hyphens can be included in the search or removed; for the LCCN number, only the number used for storage, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, is indexed; many other standard numbers are included in this index) |
Subject | su: | coffee and tea house+ |
Subject Phrase | su= | coffeehouses in art |
Subject All | sa= | authors american biography [for the subject "authors, american - biography" phrase search of complete subject heading] |
Subject Headings, LC | hl: | biography [only subject headings noted as US Library of Congress] |
Subject Headings, LC Phrase | hl= | authors american [only subject headings noted as US Library of Congress] |
Subject Headings, LC Children's Lit | hc: | parties [only subject headings noted as US Library of Congress Children's Literature] |
Subject Headings, LC Children's Lit phrase | hc= | children's writing [only subject headings noted as US Library of Congress Children's Literature] |
Subject Headings, MESH | hm: | optometry [only subject headings noted as MESH/US National Library of Medicine] |
Subject Headings, MESH phrase | hm= | vision low [only subject headings noted as MESH/US National Library of Medicine] |
Subject Headings, NAL | ha: | fruit [only subject headings noted as US National Library of Agriculture] |
Subject Headings, NAL phrase | ha= | fruit trees [only subject headings noted as US National Library of Agriculture] |
Subject Headings, Canadian | he: | photography [only subject headings noted as Library and Archives Canada in English] |
Subject Headings, Canadian phrase | he= | landscape photography [only subject headings noted as Library and Archives Canada in English] |
Subject Headings, RVM | hr: | indiens [only subject headings noted as Repertoire des vedettes-matiere (Library and Archives Canada in French)] |
Subject Headings, RVM phrase | hr= | politique sanitaire [only subject headings noted as Repertoire des vedettes-matiere (Library and Archives Canada in French)] |
Subject Headings, Other | ho: | fiction gsafd (includes the MARC codes for the classification type indexed) |
Subject Headings, Other Phrase | ho= | historical fiction |
Titolo | ti: | music w3 british w3 enlightenment |
Title Phrase | ti= | music theory in the british isles during the enlightenment |
Uniform title | ut: | bible |
Uniform Title Phrase | ut= | selected poems 1930-1972 |
Unique Serial Title | tk: | renew annual report |
Unique Serial Title Phrase | tk= | service & innovation |
Universal Decimal Class No. | ud: | 101-051 [use periods and hyphens] |
Update Date | up: | 20010101 |
Vendor | vn: | libros |
Year 2 | yy: | 1997 (all unknown digits are searched as 9s; however, if all four digits are unknown, they are searched as 0000) |
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them. For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Keyword (kw)* | Any |
1016 |
2 |
Access Method (am)* | OCLC Defined | 1209 5856 |
2 |
Access Restrictions | OCLC Defined | 5068 | 1,2 |
Accession Number (no) | Control number-local | 12 1211 |
1,2 |
Country of Publication (cp) | OCLC Defined | 6104 | 1,2 |
Language (ln=)** | Code-language | 54 | 1, 2 |
Notes/Comments (nt) | Note | 63 | 2 |
Material Type (mt)* | material-type | 1031 | 1,2 |
Musical Composition (mc) | OCLC Defined | 5847 | 1,2 |
Place of Publication (pl) | Name-geographic-place-publication | 59 | 2 |
Publisher (pb) | Name-publisher | 1018 | 1,2 |
Update Date (up)* | Update date | 1012 | 2 |
Year of Publication (yr)* |
Date-publication | 31 | 2,4,5,7 |
Year 2 of Publication (yy)* | OCLC Defined | 5031 | 2,4,5,7 |
Vendor Information (vn) | OCLC Defined | 5938 | 2 |
* Additional information on these indexes is given in the Searching tips below. ** Language is searchable by language code or the English translation of the code. Additional information is given in the Language index. *** Country codes are indexed as the English term represented by the codes. |
For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Author keyword (au) | Author-name | 1003 5003 |
2 |
Author Phrase (au=) | Author-name | 1003 5003 |
1 |
Corporate and Conference Name (cn, cn=) | Author-name-conference | 1005 1006 |
1, 2 |
Personal Name (pn, pn=) | Author-name-personal | 1004 | 1, 2 |
* The 100/u, 110/e,u, 700/u and 710/e are only available in the keyword forms of their respective indexes. |
For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Subject (su, su=) | Subject | 21 | 1, 2 |
Descriptor (de, de=) | OCLC Defined | 5650 | 1, 2 |
Geographic Coverage (gc, gc=) | Name-geographic | 58 | 1,2 |
Genre/Form (ge, ge=) | OCLC Defined | 5655 | 1,2 |
Named Person (na, na=)*** | Subject-name-personal | 1009 | 1,2 |
Named Conference and Corporation (nc, nc=) | OCLC Defined | 5610 5611 |
1,2 |
Subject All (sa=) | OCLC Defined | 5090 | 1 |
Subject Headings, LC (hl, hl=)* | OCLC Defined | 27 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, LC Children (hc, hc=)* | OCLC Defined | 1008 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, MeSH (hm, hm=)* | OCLC Defined | 25 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, NAL (ha, ha=)* | OCLC Defined | 1088 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, Canadian (he, he=)* | OCLC Defined | 5300 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, RVM (hr, hr=)* | OCLC Defined | 28 | 1,2 |
Subject Headings, Other (ho, ho=)* | OCLC Defined | 6136 | 1,2 |
** 042/a is indexed as the English terms represented by the codes. *** The first comma is retained as part of the search for this index only. Notes for all the subject phrase indexes Each portion of the subject heading (e.g., subheading in 650/a,x,y,z) will be handled as a distinct phrase search. The suggested strategy in searching for records that contain those subheadings is to and those terms together. Example: 650 #a Nuclear Power Plants #x Safety Measures is searched by entering: nuclear power plants and safety measures. The one exception to this is the Subject All index (use attribute 5090) For that index the above term would be searched as "nuclear power plants safety measures". |
For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Title keyword (ti) | Titolo | 4 5245 1002 |
2 |
Title (ti=) | Titolo | 4 1002 5245 |
1 |
Series (se, se=) | Title-series | 5 | 1, 2 |
Uniform Title (ut, ut=) | Title-uniform | 6 | 1, 2 |
Unique Serial Title (tk, tk=) | Title-key | 33 | 1,2 |
* The Title phrase search has the 245/a and 245/b subfields combined into a single phrase search with structure attribute 1. These subfields (245/a, 245/b) can be searched as separate subfields also. |
For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
National Agricultural Library Call Number (ag) | Classification-NAL | 18 | 2 |
Dewey Decimal Call Number (dd) | Classification-Dewey | 13 | 2 |
Dewey Decimal Edition (d2) | OCLC Defined | 6100 | 2 |
Government Documentation Number (gn) | Classification-government-publication | 50 | 2 |
Music Number (mu) | Identifier-publisher-for-music | 51 | 1,2 |
National Library of Medicine (NLM) Call Number (lm) | Classification-NLM | 17 | 1,2 |
Report Number (rn) | Identifier-report | 1027 | 1,2 |
Standard Number (sn) | Identifier-standard | 1007 | 1,2 |
ISSN (ns) | Identifier-ISSN | 8 | 1,2 |
ISBN (nb) | Identifier-ISBN | 7 | 1,2 |
LCCN (nl) | Control number-LC | 9 | 1 |
Universal Decimal Class Number (ud) | Classification-UDC | 14 | 2 |
National Library of Congress Call Number (lc) | Classification-LC | 16 | 2 |
Library and Archives Canada Call Number (ca) | OCLC Defined | 5055 | 2 |
* All searches in the above table (Classification Numbers and Specific Searches) are explained further in the Searching tips, in the Call Number Indexes and Known Item Searches sub-sections (see below). |
For more information on indexes, see Searching WorldCat Indexes.
Index* | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Local holdings - present (L7:) | OCLC Defined | 6300 | 2 |
Local holdings - by state/province (L2) | OCLC Defined | 6301 | 1 |
Local holdings - by city (L3) | OCLC Defined | 6302 | 1 |
Local holdings - institution symbol (L4)** | OCLC Defined | 6303 | 2 |
Local holdings - by groups (L5) | OCLC Defined | 6304 | 2 |
Local holdings - by 4-character | OCLC Defined | 6305 | 1 |
* These indexes are discussed in the Searching tips. ** To find the OCLC symbol for an institution, please see the online version of Directory of OCLC members. |
The Language index uses the three-letter codes for languages found in the OCLC MARC Code Lists (ISBN 1-55653-169-9). The language index also can be searched using the two-character ISO codes for languages. The English translations of these codes are also searchable. Note that the only precise search term is the three-letter code. All other terms may group language codes together. For example, English as a word search brings together Modern English, Old English, and Creole or Pidgin English.
Some example of codes and their English language translations are given below. All languages in the WorldCat database are searchable. Scan the index to see all the available searches.
Lingua | Code |
Arabo | ara |
Bulgarian | bul |
Chinese | chi |
Czech | cze |
Danish | dan |
Dutch | dut |
English | eng |
French | fre |
German | ger |
Greek (modern) | gre |
Hebrew | heb |
Hindi | hin |
Hungarian | hun |
Indonesian | ind |
Italian | ita |
Japanese | jpn |
Korean | kor |
Latin | lat |
Norwegian | nor |
Persian (modern) | per |
Polish | pol |
Portuguese | por |
Romanian | rum |
Russian | rus |
Serbo-Croatian (Roman) | scr |
Spanish | spa |
Swedish | swe |
Thai | tha |
Turkish | tur |
Ukrainian | ukr |
The MARC records returned from this database will be the OCLC-MARC records as they were input into the system.
This database can have any valid MARC tag in it. Besides the valid MARC tags, the following FirstSearch Locally Defined fields also exist:
856 fields | OCLC has added links to additional content such as cover art, table of contents, summaries and author notes. These OCLC-created 856 fields include the following subfields:
856/u URL to additional content 856/i instructions in URL use 856/q data type such as "ASCII," "GIF," etc. 856/x "OCLC EC" 856/3 type of content such as "COVER ART," "TABLE OF CONTENTS," "MORE INFO," or "EXCERPTS" |
Evaluative content info in websites: OCLC created URLs contained in 856/u fields in full MARC syntax and under the label "Access:" in full SUTRS syntax will allow internet-based access to evaluative content (cover art, summaries, excerpts, author information, etc.) These URLs can be cut and pasted, or programmatically entered, into any browser supported by FirstSearch in order to gain access to the information. The URLs will time out after 7 days so if continued access is desired another search to receive and updated URL will need to be executed. The 856/i field is the indicator for information on the URL; because not all 856/u fields are additional evaluative content, the 856/i should be checked to be certain the 856/u link is truly a OCLC sourced link. The 856/i field contains instructions regarding the URL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NetLibrary websites: All NetLibrary records have had additional 856 fields added that would authenticate a user's access to their library's NetLibrary book subscription, based on their FirstSearch authorization number. These 856 fields will have a subfield u with the URL and a subfield I with the instructions: "Input this URL in a browser to view e-book from NetLibrary". Note: Searching "NetLibrary" in the Access Method index can retrieve all NetLibrary books. All NetLibrary books that a FS user subscribes to can be searched by ANDing this to the library's holding symbol, assuming the library is cataloging their holdings on the OCLC WorldCat cataloging subsystem. |
945/f | Primary document type code | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/d | Additional document type codes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/m | Material type code media/technology access | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/n | Material type text media/technology access | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/p | Material type code content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/q | Material type text content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/r | Music Composition code | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/s | Music Composition text | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/g | Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/a] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/h | Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/z] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/m | Number of holding library symbols connected to item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/n | Date added to a database | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/p | Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/s | Indicator for My Library holdings. This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. "Y" is yes. "N" is no. |
948 |
Library Holdings Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
949/i | Document Types (repeating)
949/x | ILL/Display type
The following restrictors should be combined with search strings in WorldCat (using the Boolean operators AND or NOT) in cases where the search results would otherwise be too large and unmanageable.
Restrictor* | Type | Input | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | MARC Tag |
Year (yr) | All years Single year Range of years |
-- 1999, or 2000 -1899 1955-1967 1998-v |
31 | 5 | 008 <date1> 046/c |
Document Type (dt=) | All records Books Serials Visual materials Maps Sound recordings Scores Computer files Mixed materials Internet resources Papers/articles Continually updated resources |
— bks ser vis map rec sco com mix url art int |
1001 | 1, 2 | 945/f |
DLC Restrictor (dl) | all DLC Records |
— y |
1019 | 2 | 008 <source> 040/a,c,d |
Library group (cg) | Number of libraries with holdings 2500 or more 2000 - 2499 1500 - 1999 1000 - 1499 900 - 999 800 - 899 700 - 799 600 - 699 500 - 599 400 - 499 300 - 399 200 - 299 150 - 199 100 - 149 75 - 99 50 - 74 25 - 49 10 - 24 5 - 9 2 - 4 1 0 500 or more 100 or more 50 or more 10 or more 5 or more |
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 |
5848 | 2 | 947/m |
Library Holdings (li) | all Library Symbol |
-- xxx (OCLC symbol for the library)** |
56 1044 |
2 | 948/h |
* All restrictors are discussed in the Searching tips. ** To find the OCLC symbol for an institution, please see Directory of OCLC members. |
Search results in the WorldCat database can be sorted by Author (1003) and Title (4).
Omit accent marks and diacritics such as ¨ (umlaut) and ¸ (cedilla). Special characters should be replaced by a Romanized form of the character, such as u for hooked u and ss for ß (eszett).
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" (quote mark) | Convert to a blank | @ (commercial at) | Convert to a blank |
' (apostrophe) | Indexed both as: — delete and collapse — convert to a blank |
? (question mark) | Convert to a blank |
. (period) | Convert to a blank, except when the first period in a class number search. | / (slash) | Convert to a blank except in Dewey call number search where it is deleted and collapsed. |
, (comma) | Convert to a blank. | - (hyphen) | Convert to a blank |
; (semicolon) | Convert to a blank | & (ampersand) | Retain and index |
: (colon) | Convert to a blank | \ (backslash) | Convert to a blank |
() (parentheses) | Delete and collapse | © (copyright sign) | Delete and collapse |
<> (greater/less than signs) | Convert to a blank | ° (degree sign) | Delete and collapse |
{} (curly brackets) | Convert to a blank | € (Euro) | Convert to a blank |
[] (square brackets) | Delete and collapse, retaining the data within except for [sic] and [i.e. any data following] | Flat (musical) | Convert to a blank |
= (equal sign) | Convert to a blank | ¡ (inverted exclamation point) | Convert to a blank |
! (exclamation point) | Convert to a blank | ¿ (inverted question mark) | Convert to a blank |
# (number sign) | Delete and collapse | Phonograph copyright | Delete and collapse |
$ (dollar sign) | Convert to a blank | # (sharp — musical) | Convert to a blank |
% (percent sign) | Convert to a blank | Space | Convert multiple spaces to a single space |
* (asterisk) | Convert to a blank | ± (plus/minus sign) | Convert to a blank |
+ (plus sign) | Convert to a blank | _ (underscore) | Convert to a blank |
The Keyword index for WorldCat uses attribute number 1016. The Keyword search finds information in the author, title, subject, notes, ISBN, year, year 2 and a few fields specific to the keyword search (034/a,b,d,e,f,g, 052/a,b, 255/a,b,c,d,e).
The Year and Year2 data is indexed exactly as those indexes index the 008 data (see below). The ISBN is indexed as the data is indexed, without hyphens. However, any keyword search term that meets the characteristics of an ISBN and is entered with hyphens will be automatically concatenated by the search processor.
A geographic field found only in the keyword indexes is 052/a,b. This is a field useful to map catalogers. The 052/a field is indexed alone. Any records containing 052/b also indexes as 052/a concatenated together with 052/b without spaces, as a single word. So, a record with 052 #a 1234 #b P4 #b C2 is searchable as 1234, 1234p4, and 1234c2.
There are three different year indexes in WorldCat. The first, the Year of Publication index (31), is the first year given in the USMARC Formats 008 date fields and is the publication date. If a year in this index is cataloged with unknown characters, such as 199u, the "u" is replaced by zero's. 199u changes to 1990. Years that are shorter than four digits have leading zeros added. To search year 999, enter 0999.
The second index, the Year 2 of Publication index (5031), is the second date field in the 008. The year 2 index contains the ending year of a series, the original year of a reprinted work, and other specific year information. It is unlikely that users other than information professionals will be interested in using the second year index. Digits that were cataloged in this index as unknown are converted to nine. However, if all four digits are unknown, then it is converted to all zeros. Years that are shorter than four digits have the leading zeros added. Note that the minimum value on the Year of Publication indexes for unbounded ranges is 1000.
The Subject searches have many options. The types of data have been broken down to allow specific searches, such as Geographic Coverage (58) and Genre/form (5655), Named Person (1009), Named Corporation (5610) and Named Conference (5611). The Descriptor search (5650) includes only topical information.
Additionally, there are indexes that search only the subject headings of a specific classification. The classifications are:
The Other subject headings index, includes all the subject headings indexed with the subfield 2 used to indicate what subject heading type was used. To limit to one of these subject headings, AND any of these searches with the keyword search of the term indexed in the subfield 2. So for example, 650 $aEglise $xHistoire $yCa 30-600 (Eglise primitive). $2ram can be searched by searching any of these subject terms or phrases like "eglise" and "histoire" - to limit to this subject heading group, include a word search of the desired type MARC code, such as "ram", with the above example.
The library holdings group (use attribute 5848) limits a search by the most widely held items. Try using a rangeable search, such as 08, which would include all items held by 100 libraries or more. Different types of material will have different high-end levels for searching. If you searching for highly technical material, 50 libraries holding the item would be a large number. However, serial records and very popular works can be found in the rare "most held" group—31.
The most direct search of internet resources is the Access Method search (use 5856) which searches the URLs in some WorldCat records. The characters between the punctuation in the URL are the "words" that are searched for. For example, is searched by the "words" www, oclc, and org. The most distinct term in the string is the most useful on which to search. All the stopwords apply to this index, plus two additional stopwords, "http" and "https".
Document Type (1001) is defining the primary document type of the record. Material Type (1031) includes all the document types, including primary and additional information, so that all records that include that document type information is included. So while searching "rec" in the document type index (1001) is only sound records that have been cataloged with that as it's primary type, the same term in the material type index (1031) will also pull up items that include sound records, including attached material.
While all the values indexed in document type are also indexed in the material type index, some search terms in the document type index (1001) are different in the material type index (1031). These codes are described below.
Material Type data is based on information in the Leader, 006, 007, 008, and looking for terms in specific parts of the record.
Note: The document type terms have already been discussed above. Besides these terms there are additional types of material listed below. Some of these are large subsets of the database that can be used as basic restrictors of limits to searches, such as Fiction, Juvenile, or Microform. Some of the terms listed here will be searchable but not generate a display feature, generally because a more precise term is also indexed, and this is the one displayed. For example, juv or Juvenile is indexed for all types of juvenile audiences. However, this code does not appear. Only the more precise code reflecting the catalogers definition of the item is included, such as pre for preschool audience. For those codes without displayable fields are shown, "no field" is shown under field.
Material Type values include:
Code | Text | Campo |
Document types - one record can have more then one with this index | ||
acp | Article, chapter, papers | 945/d,f as art |
bks | Books or Text | no field |
bnu | Books not URL | 945/d,f as bks |
cmt | Cartographic material | 945/d,f as map |
com | Computer file | 945/d,f |
cnr | Continuing resources — includes all int and ser records together | [no field] |
int | Continually updated resource | 945/d,f |
mix | Archival or mixed material | 945/d,f |
rec | Sound recording | 945/d,f |
sco | Musical score | 945/d,f |
ser | Pubblicazioni seriali | 945/d,f |
url | Internet resource | 945/d,f |
vis | Visual material | 945/d,f |
All or across a large number of types of records | ||
ebk | eBook (Includes books only available online or print books that are also available online.) | 945/m,n |
elc | Risorsa elettronica | no field |
web | Web access | no field |
cnp | Conference publication | 945/p,q |
deg |
Thesis/dissertation |
945/p,q |
fic |
Fiction |
945/p,q |
bio |
Biography |
945/p,q |
lpt |
Large Print | 945/m,n |
brl |
Braille | 945/m,n |
mss |
Manuscript* *Includes all three manuscripts below |
no field |
mic |
Microform |
945/m,n |
Subsets of Microform | ||
mfl | Microfilm | 945/m,n |
mfc | Microfiche | 945/m,n |
mcd | Micro-opaque | 945/m,n |
mmc | Master microform | 945/m,n |
Juv |
Juvenile |
no field |
Subsets of Juvenile | ||
pre |
Preschool audience |
945/p,q |
pri |
Primary school audience |
945/p,q |
ejh |
Pre-adolescent |
945/p,q |
shs |
Adolescent |
945/p,q |
jau |
Juvenile Audience |
945/p,q |
gpb |
Government publications |
945/p,q |
Subsets of Government Publications | ||
igp | International government pub | 945/p,q |
ngp | National government pub | 945/p,q |
sgp | State or province government pub | 945/p,q |
lgp |
Local government pub |
945/p,q |
Sound recordings (including Internet Resources of these) | ||
msr | Musical recording | 945/p,q |
nsr |
Non-musical recording** **Includes books-on-tape, speeches, etc. |
945/p,q |
Media types for sound recordings | ||
dva | DVD audio | 945/m,n |
Also "dvd" and "dvds" | no field | |
cda | CD audio | 945/m,n |
Also "cd" and "cds" | no field | |
lps | LP | 945/m,n |
45s | 45 rpm | 945/m,n |
78s | 78 rpm | 945/m,n |
cas | Cassette | 945/m,n |
mp3 | MP3 | 945/m,n |
wrr | Wire recording | 945/m,n |
wxc | Wax cylinder | 945/m,n |
rtr | Reel-to-reel tape | 945/m,n |
rll | Roll | 945/m,n |
Visual Materials (including Internet Resources of these) | ||
kit | Kit | 945/p,q |
pgr | Projected image | no field |
ngr | 2-D image | no field |
art | 3-d object/artifact | no field |
Subset of projected image (pgr) | ||
flm | Filmstrip | 945/p,q |
mot | Film | 945/p,q |
Also "Motion Picture" | no field | |
sld | Slide | 945/p,q |
trn | Transparency | 945/p,q |
vid | Videorecording | 945/p,q |
anm | Animation | 945/p,q |
pan | Partial animation | 945/p,q |
Subset of 2-d image (ngr) | ||
oar | Original artwork | 945/p,q |
rep | Artwork reproduction | 945/p,q |
pic | Picture | 945/p,q |
pht | Photograph | 945/p,q |
grp | Graphic | 945/p,q |
tch | Technical drawing | 945/p,q |
cht | Chart | 945/p,q |
crd | Flash card | 945/p,q |
Subset of 3-d object (art) | ||
mdl | Model | 945/p,q |
rbj | Real object | 945/p,q |
toy | Toy | 945/p,q |
dio | Diorama | 945/p,q |
gam | Game | 945/p,q |
msl | Microscope slide | 945/p,q |
Media types for visual materials | ||
dvv | DVD video | 945/m,n |
Also "dvd" and "dvds" and "vdc" and "videodisc" | no field | |
vdc |
Videodisc |
945/m,n |
vhs | VHS tape | 945/m,n |
Also "vca" and "videocassette" | no field | |
vca |
Videocassette |
945/m,n |
bta | Beta | 945/m,n |
blu | Blu-ray disc | 945/m,n |
ats | ATSC color broadcast system | 945/m,n |
nts | NTSC color broadcast system | 945/m,n |
pal | PAL | 945/m,n |
scm | SECAM | 945/m,n |
Maps/cartographic material (including some Internet Resources) | ||
pcm | Published cartographic material | no field |
mcm | Manuscript cartographic material | no field |
glb | Globe | no field |
pgl | Planetary globe | 945/p,q |
egl | Earth globe | 945/p,q |
cgl | Celestial globe | 945/p,q |
atl | Atlas | 945/p,q |
rsi | Remote-sensing image | 945/p,q |
mmp | Model map | 945/p,q |
gsc | Geological section | 945/p,q |
map | Map as cataloged with 007 | no field |
Scores (including some Internet Resources) | ||
pmu | Published music | no field |
mmu | Manuscript music | no field |
Serials (including some Internet Resources) | ||
per | Periodical | 945/p,q |
nuovo | Newspaper | 945/p,q |
mse | Series | 945/p,q |
Continually updated resource (including some Internet Resources) | ||
upl | Updating loose-leaf Also "Continuing update" |
945/p,q |
upw | Updating website Also "Continuing update" |
945/p,q |
upd | Updating database Also "Continuing update" |
945/p,q |
Computer files subsets | ||
ndt | Numeric data | 945/p,q |
pgm | Program | 945/p,q |
cig | Clipart/images/graphics | 945/p,q |
dct | Document | 945/p,q |
bdt | Bibliographic data | 945/p,q |
fnt | Carattere | 945/p,q |
cgm | Computer game | 945/p,q |
snd | Sound effects | 945/p,q |
imm | Interactive multimedia | 945/p,q |
oss | Online system or service | 945/p,q |
cdc | CD for computer | 945/m,n |
Also "cd" and "cds" | no field | |
514 | 5.25 in. disc | 945/m,n |
312 | 3.5 in. disc | 945/m,n |
Musical composition comes from the 008 and 047 codes. The values are as follows:
945/r | - | 945/s |
an | - | Anthems |
bd | - | Ballads |
bg | - | Bluegrass music |
bl | - | Blues |
bt | - | Ballets |
ca | - | Chaconnes |
cb | - | Chants, Other religions |
cc | - | Chant, Christian |
cg | - | Concerti grossi |
ch | - | Chorales |
cl | - | Chorale preludes |
cn | - | Canons and rounds |
co | - | Concertos |
cp | - | Chansons, polyphonic |
cr | - | Carols |
cs | - | Chance compositions |
ct | - | Cantatas |
cy | - | Country music |
cz | - | Canzonas |
df | - | Dance forms |
dv | - | Divertimentos, serenades, cassations, divertissements, notturni |
fg | - | Fugues |
fm | - | Folk music |
ft | - | Fantasias |
gm | - | Gospel music |
hy | - | Hymns |
jz | - | Jazz |
mc | - | Musical revues and comedies |
md | - | Madrigals |
mi | - | Minuets |
mo | - | Motets |
mp | - | Motion picture music |
mr | - | Marches |
ms | - | Masses |
mu | - | Multiple forms |
mz | - | Mazurkas |
nc | - | Nocturnes |
op | - | Operas |
or | - | Oratorios |
ov | - | Overtures |
pg | - | Program music |
pm | - | Passion music |
po | - | Polonaises |
pp | - | Popular music |
pr | - | Preludes |
ps | - | Passacaglias |
pt | - | Part-songs |
pv | - | Pavans |
rc | - | Rock music |
rd | - | Rondos |
rg | - | Ragtime music |
ri | - | Ricercars |
rp | - | Rhapsodies |
rq | - | Requiems |
sd | - | Square dance music |
sg | - | Songs |
sn | - | Sonatas |
sp | - | Symphonic poems |
st | - | Studies and exercises |
su | - | Suites |
sy | - | Symphonies |
tc | - | Toccatas |
ts | - | Trio-sonatas |
vr | - | Variations |
wz | - | Waltzes |
Likewise, the Music Number search (51) is not generally used by FirstSearch users, but is valuable to the music student and professional information expert. The Music Number index has also started to include publisher numbers for other items.
Both the keyword and phrase search of this data has "normalized" the data to make it more consistent.
Rules for normalizing the data are given below:
The classification number searches have all spaces and punctuation removed except periods. The searches with this rules are National Agricultural Library (use 18), Dewey Decimal (use 13), National Library of Congress (use 16) National Library of Canada (use 5055) and National Library of Medicine (use 17).
Note, the Dewey Decimal index will index classification numbers up to each slash or prime number also. So a Dewey number of 123.4/56/789 will be indexed as 123.4 and 123.456 and 123.456789. Further, a specialized index to provide the version of Dewey being used (use 6100) can also be searched to limit results to only that version of Dewey.
The NLM Call Number (use 17) phrase includes both subfields 'a' and 'b' together as a single term. The word search only includes the subfield 'A'.
The Universal Decimal classification number (use 14) has all spaces and punctuation removed except periods and hyphens.
Two indexes remove all punctuation including periods: Government documentation number (use 50) and Report number (use 1027). Government documentation also removes all spaces, but Report number keeps the spaces.
ISBNs (use 7) remove and concatenate all punctuation including hyphens. However, a search can be entered with hyphens and get the appropriate ISBN records.
ISSNs (use 8) include the hyphens in the search only.
LCCN or Library of Congress Control Numbers (use 9) have the numbers indexed without the hyphen. A user can search with the hyphen added or with the zero fill characters that is also used to store the number. So for example, sn92-1234 is indexed as sn921234 and 921234 and can be searched as 92-1234 or 92001234 or sn92-1234 or sn92001234.
The standard number index (use 1007) has ISBNs, ISSNs, LCCNs, and many other standard numbers. For all of these, all punctuation is removed and concatenated. For the LCCNs, only the stored number with the zeros is retained. Further, if there is an alphabetic prefix with three letters it is attached to the number. If there is an alphabetic prefix of one or two letters, it is not attached.
The update index (1012) gives the date on the MARC record as the date last updated in the OCLC WorldCat Cataloging System in the format YYYYMMDD. Since, FirstSearch is a day or two behind the cataloging system, please take that into account. So, if a user searched on August 31, 2000 and wanted to retrieve only new or changed records a month later (October 1, 2000) the user would AND the previous search with the update index using "200009*". However, while this would retrieve all of September, to be complete the search "2000083*" would also need to be included.
These indexes are from the local holdings data (previously known as union list data) retained in WorldCat. The indexes retrieve records with local holdings information that match the characteristic given.
Note that the local holdings present (Use Attribute 6300) can be searched using the word "yes". This retrieves any record that has WorldCat-retained local holdings data.
Also, when searching local holdings by 4-character local holding symbol (Use Attribute 6305), search as the 4-character symbol, space, and then the institution symbol. For example, "oclc ocl" would get all local holdings information for the 4-character symbol "oclc" profiled with the institution with the symbol "ocl". It is possible to search just the 4-character symbol, however, this will retrieve multiple institutions if more than one institution is using that 4-character symbol.
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