Note: You will need to complete the FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery—WorldCat Discovery Premium Quote Request form to request a quote in order to add SCIPIO as a FirstSearch database.
Database name | SCIPIO |
Short database name | SCIPIO |
Available on | FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and |
Sources | SCIPIO is a joint project of 25 different fine arts organizations, combining their art catalog collections |
Number of records | Over 570,000 |
Copertura | Includes catalogs from the late sixteenth century to scheduled auctions that have not yet been held |
Update frequency | Daily |
Producer | OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. |
Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.
Search indexes | Labels | Esempi |
Parola chiave | kw: | coffee or tea and house+ [keyword searches the publication year, ISBN, geographic codes, map data, and all the information found in the Author, Title, Notes and Subject indexes] |
Accession number | no: | 37993343 (OCLC) |
Auction house | ah: | American Art |
Auction house phrase | ah= | "American Art Association, Anderson Galleries Firm" "American Art Association" |
Citation | ci: | lugt |
Citation phrase | ci= | lugt* |
Corporate and conference name | cn: | canadian |
Corporate and conference phrase | cn= | canadian acoustics week |
Country of publication | cp: | Norway |
Country of publication phrase | cp= | Nova Scotia |
Date of sale | ds: | 01312007 (searching single date January 31, 2007) 01312007-02142007 (searching dates from January 31 to February 14, 2007) 012007-022007 (searching dates in January and February 2007) 2006-2007 (searching any day in either year) |
Individual auctioneer | ia: | James Forbes |
Individual auctioneer phrase | ia= | Forbes, James |
Language phrase | ln= | kw:coffeehouse* and ln=japanese (browse the index for a complete list of languages) |
Notes/Comments | nt: | translation-adaptation |
Place of sale | ps: | paris |
Editore | pb: | media |
Publisher phrase | pb= | new star media inc. |
Publisher location | pl: | china |
Sale code | sl: | LO1703 LEVER |
Sale code phrase | sl= | "LO1703 LEVER" |
Seller/subject | cx: | "francis leventritt" |
Seller/subject phrase | cx= | Estate of Francis Leventritt Collection of James Stillman Davidson |
Standard number | sn: | 1097461x or 1097-461x 1550463160 or 155-0463-160 9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4 64002560 (for all searches, hyphens can be included in the search or removed; for the LCCN number, only the number used for storage, with the year and then six digits with leading zeros for unused digits, is indexed; many other standard numbers are included in this index) |
subject | su: | coffee and tea house+ |
Subject phrase | su= | coffeehouses in art |
Titolo | ti: | music w3 british w3 enlightenment |
Title phrase | ti= | music theory in the British isles during the enlightenment |
Update date | up: | 20070101 |
Year | yr: | 1971 |
What follows is a list of FirstSearch indexes and the combination of USE and STRUCTURE attributes that can be used to access them.
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them. These are grouped by the type of record retrieved.
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | Indexed Fields and Subfields |
Keyword (kw) | Any |
1016 |
2 | Fields found in the following indexes:
Author keyword |
Auction House (ah) | OCLC defined | 5060 | 1, 2 | 110/a-e,n,u |
Author keyword (au) | Author-name | 1003 5003 |
2 | 100/a,b,c,d,j,q,u 110/a,b,c,d,e,n,u 111/a,c,d,e,n,q,u 245/c 505/r 508/a 511/a 550/a 700/a,b,c,d,j,q,u 710/a,b,c,d,e,n 711/a,c,d,e,n,q 720/a 770/a 773/a 780/a 785/a 787/a 800/a,b,c,d,q,u 810/a,b,c,d,e,n 811/a,c,d,e,n,q |
Author Phrase (au=) | Author-name | 1003 5003 |
1 | 100/a,b,c,d,j,q 110/a,b,c,d,n 111/a,c,d,e,n,q 700/a,b,c,d,j,q 710/a,b,c,d,n 711/a,c,d,e,n,q 720/a |
Citation index (ci) | OCLC defined | 5940 | 2 | 510/a,c |
Date of Sale (ds)* | Date search | 1145 | 2, 5 | 033/a Only for data in YYYYMMDD format. DD or MMDD may be replaced with hyphens if unknown, e.g. 200604-- |
Individual Auctioneer (ia) | OCLC defined | 5039 | 1, 2 | 700/a-d,j,q,u |
Language (ln=)* | Code-language | 54 | 1, 2 | 008 <lang> 041/b,d,e,f,g,j 041/a if first indicator is zero |
Place of Sale (ps) | OCLC defined | 5062 | 2 | 500/a 518/a Note: Only text preceded by Place of is indexed. |
Seller/Subject (cx) | OCLC defined | 5063 | 1, 2 | 600/a-d,j,q 653/a |
Standard Number (sn) | Identifier-standard | 1007 | 1,2 | 010/a,b,z 016/a,z 020/a,z 022/a,y,z 024/a 027/a,z 028/a 030/a,z 037/a 088/a 440/x 490/x 534/o,x,z 700/x 710/x 711/x 730/x 760/x,y,z 762/x,y,z 770/r,u,x,y,z 773/u,x,y,z 776/x,y,z 780/x,y,z 785/x,y,z 800/x 810/x 811/x 830/x |
Subject (su, su=) | Subject | 21 | 1, 2 | 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 610/a,b,c,d,e,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 611/a,c,d,e,g,k,n,p,q,t,v,x,y,z 630/a,d,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 648/a,v,x,y,z 650/a,b,v,x,y,z 651/a,v,x,y,z 653/a 654/a,b,v,x,y,z 655/a,b,v,x,y,z |
Subject All (sa=) |
OCLC Defined | 5090 | 1 | 600/a,b,c,d,e,g,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 610/a,b,c,d,e,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 611/a,c,d,e,g,k,n,p,q,t,v,x,y,z 630/a,d,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v,x,y,z 648/a,v,x,y,z 650/a,b,v,x,y,z 651/a,v,x,y,z 653/a 655/a,b,v,x,y,z |
Title keyword (ti) | Titolo | 4 5245 1002 |
2 | 031/d,t 100/t 110/t 111/t 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 210/a 214/a 222/a,b 240/a,d,f,g,k,m,no,p,r,s 242/a,b,n,p 243/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s 245/a,b,f,g,k,n,p 246/a,b,n,p 247/a,b,n,p 440/a,n,p 490/a 505/t 700/g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 710/d,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 711/g,k,n,p,s,t 730/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 740/a,n,p 770/a,s,t 773/p,s,t 780/s,t 785/s,t 787/s,t 800/g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 810/d,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 811/g,k,n,p,s,t 830/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v |
Title (ti=) | Titolo | 4 1002 5245 |
1 | 130/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 222/a,b 240/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s 245/a,b,f,g,k,n,p* 246/a,b,n,p 505/t 730/a,d,f,g,k,m,n,o,p,r,s,t 740/a,n,p |
Update Date (up) | Update date | 1012 | 2 | 008 |
Year (yr) | Date-publication | 31 | 2,4,5,7 | 008 |
* Additional information on these indexes is given in the Searching Tips below.
List of FirstSearch fields for SCIPIO and the MARC fields to which they correspond.
The MARC records returned from this database will be the OCLC-MARC records as they were input into the system.
This database can have any valid MARC tag in it. Besides the valid MARC tags, the following FirstSearch Locally Defined fields also exist:
Bibliographic Records MARC Fields with Specialized Meaning in SCIPIO
Field Name | MARC Field(s) |
Bibliographic Records MARC Fields with Specialized Meaning in SCIPIO | |
Sales code | 024/a |
Date of sale in YYYYMMDD format | 033/a |
Date of sale displayed as an English spelled-out date | 033/9 |
Auction house | 110 |
Commonly used note field | 518/a |
Seller, or subject of auction | 600 |
Seller, or subject of auction | 653/a |
Auctioneer | 700 |
Bibliographic Records MARC Fields | |
Primary document type code | 945/f |
Additional document type codes | 945/d |
Number of holding library symbols connected to item | 947/m |
Date added to a database | 947/n |
Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat | 947/p |
Indicator for My Library holdings. This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. "Y" is yes. "N" is no. |
947/s |
Library Holdings Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
948 |
Document type "b" for book | 949/i |
ILL/Display type "b" for book | 949/x |
The following restrictors can be used only in conjunction with an index search. They must be added to an index search with the Boolean AND in order to receive results:
Restrictor | Type | Input | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Year (yr) | All years Single year Range of years |
-- 1999, or 2000 -1899 1955-1967 1998- |
31 | 5 |
Language Phrase* | No Limit English Danish Dutch French German Italian Spanish |
-- english danish dutch french german italian spanish |
54 | 1 |
Library Holdings (li) | all Library Symbol |
-- xxx (OCLC symbol for the library)** |
56 1044 |
2 |
* Language Phrase is both an index and a restrictor.
**To find the OCLC symbol for an institution, please see the Directory of OCLC members.
Search results in the SCIPIO database can be sorted by Auction House(5060), Title (4), and Date of Sale (1145).
(Exceptions are made, but these are generally correct):
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" | Delete and collapse | $ | Delete and collapse |
' | (apostrophe) Delete and collapse | % | Delete and collapse |
. | Delete and collapse | * | Delete and collapse |
, | (comma) Delete and collapse | + | Delete and collapse |
; | Delete and collapse | > | Delete and collapse |
: | Delete and collapse | < | Delete and collapse |
() | Delete and collapse | @ | Delete and collapse |
<> | Delete and collapse | ? | Delete and collapse |
{} | Delete and collapse | -- | Delete and collapse |
[] | Delete and collapse | / | Substitute a space |
= | Delete and collapse | - | Retain and index |
! | Delete and collapse | & | Retain and index |
# | Delete and collapse |
Date of Sale (1145). The Date of Sale (use 1145) is the date the auction took place. It is searchable as a number index in the format of MMDDYYYY where MM is the month, DD is the date and YYYY is the year. This can be searched as:
Or it can be searched as a range in these formats:
Language (54). Language is searchable as using the three-letter codes of language found in the OCLC Marc Code List or using the two-character ISO codes for languages or using the English spelling of the Language code. The catalogs include many more languages then the top represented languages listed as restrictor suggestions.
Copyright © 1978-2018 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.