Database name | Open Access Content | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short database name | Open Access Content | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available on | FirstSearch | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sources | Content from over 1,000 publishers is represented by collections of the following open access providers:
Number of records | 84 million records | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Copertura | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update frequency | Daily | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Producer | OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. |
Search indexes | Labels | Esempi |
Parola chiave | kw: | greenhouse |
Abstract | ab: | arabica |
Access Method | am: | http |
Accession Number | no: | 681800229 |
Autore | au: | wharton |
Author Phrase | au= | wharton, edith (last name first; use double quotes around exact phrases) |
Conference Name | cn: | canadian |
Conference Name Phrase | cn= | canadian acoustics week |
Descriptor | de: | history |
Genre/Form | ge: | solo piano |
Geographic Coverage | gc: | spain |
ISBN | bn: | 9789048503667 |
ISSN | in: | 0268-3946 (use hyphens) |
Problema | is: | 3&4 |
Lingua | ln= | japanese |
Named Corporation | nc: | green power |
Named Person | na: | john |
Nota | nt: | letterpress |
Personal Name | pn: | gay |
Personal Name Phrase | pn= | gay roxane (use last name first with or without the first comma retained) |
Data di pubblicazione | pd: | 1886 |
Editore | pb: | scribner |
Publisher Location | pl: | china |
Series | se: | MARE |
Fonte | so: | amsterdam |
Source Phrase | so= | Amsterdam university press |
Standard Number | sn: | 1097461x |
Subject | su: | Coffee house |
Subject Phrase | su= | Coffee houses in art |
Titolo | ti: | coffee composting |
Title Phrase | ti= | accelerated coffee pulp composting |
Volume | vo: | 1990 |
The MARC records returned from this database will be the OCLC-MARC records as they were input into the system.
This database can have any valid MARC tag in it. Besides the valid MARC tags, the following FirstSearch Locally Defined fields also exist:
856 fields | OCLC has added links to additional content such as cover art, table of contents, summaries and author notes. These OCLC-created 856 fields include the following subfields:
856/u URL to additional content 856/i instructions in URL use 856/q data type such as "ASCII," "GIF," etc. 856/x "OCLC EC" 856/3 type of content such as "COVER ART," "TABLE OF CONTENTS," "MORE INFO," or "EXCERPTS" |
Evaluative content info in websites: OCLC created URLs contained in 856/u fields in full MARC syntax and under the label "Access:" in full SUTRS syntax will allow internet-based access to evaluative content (cover art, summaries, excerpts, author information, etc.) These URLs can be cut and pasted, or programmatically entered, into any browser supported by FirstSearch in order to gain access to the information. The URLs will time out after 7 days so if continued access is desired another search to receive and updated URL will need to be executed. The 856/i field is the indicator for information on the URL; because not all 856/u fields are additional evaluative content, the 856/i should be checked to be certain the 856/u link is truly a OCLC sourced link. The 856/i field contains instructions regarding the URL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NetLibrary websites: All NetLibrary records have had additional 856 fields added that would authenticate a user's access to their library's NetLibrary book subscription, based on their FirstSearch authorization number. These 856 fields will have a subfield u with the URL and a subfield I with the instructions: "Input this URL in a browser to view e-book from NetLibrary". Note: Searching "NetLibrary" in the Access Method index can retrieve all NetLibrary books. All NetLibrary books that a FS user subscribes to can be searched by ANDing this to the library's holding symbol, assuming the library is cataloging their holdings on the OCLC WorldCat cataloging subsystem. |
945/f | Primary document type code | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/d | Additional document type codes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/m | Material type code media/technology access | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/n | Material type text media/technology access | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/p | Material type code content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/q | Material type text content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/r | Music Composition code | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945/s | Music Composition text | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/g | Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/a] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/h | Displayable form of the LC Control Number [010/z] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/m | Number of holding library symbols connected to item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/n | Date added to a database | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/p | Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
947/s | Indicator for My Library holdings. This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. "Y" is yes. "N" is no. |
948 |
Library Holdings Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
949/i | Document Types (repeating)
949/x | ILL/Display type
Search results in the Open Access Content database can be sorted by Relevance and Date.
The following restrictors can be used only in conjunction with an index search. They must be added to an index search with the Boolean AND in order to receive results.
Restrictor | Type | Input |
Document type | No Limit Continually updated resources Internet resources Books Serial publications Visual materials Maps Articles Sound recordings Computer files Archival materials |
— int url bks ser vis map art rec com mix |
Language Phrase | No Limit English Non-English |
— english nonenglish |
Year | No Limit Single: 19xx Range: 19xx-20xx |
— 19xx, 20xx 19xx-20xx |
Omit accent marks and diacritics such as ¨ (umlaut) and ¸ (cedilla). Special characters should be replaced by a Romanized form of the character, such as u for hooked u and ss for ß (eszett).
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" (quote mark) | Convert to a blank | @ (commercial at) | Convert to a blank |
' (apostrophe) | Indexed both as: — delete and collapse — convert to a blank |
? (question mark) | Convert to a blank |
. (period) | Convert to a blank, except when the first period in a class number search. | / (slash) | Convert to a blank except in Dewey call number search where it is deleted and collapsed. |
, (comma) | Convert to a blank. | - (hyphen) | Convert to a blank |
; (semicolon) | Convert to a blank | & (ampersand) | Retain and index |
: (colon) | Convert to a blank | \ (backslash) | Convert to a blank |
() (parentheses) | Delete and collapse | © (copyright sign) | Delete and collapse |
<> (greater/less than signs) | Convert to a blank | ° (degree sign) | Delete and collapse |
{} (curly brackets) | Convert to a blank | € (Euro) | Convert to a blank |
[] (square brackets) | Delete and collapse, retaining the data within except for [sic] and [i.e. any data following] | Flat (musical) | Convert to a blank |
= (equal sign) | Convert to a blank | ¡ (inverted exclamation point) | Convert to a blank |
! (exclamation point) | Convert to a blank | ¿ (inverted question mark) | Convert to a blank |
# (number sign) | Delete and collapse | Phonograph copyright | Delete and collapse |
$ (dollar sign) | Convert to a blank | # (sharp — musical) | Convert to a blank |
% (percent sign) | Convert to a blank | Space | Convert multiple spaces to a single space |
* (asterisk) | Convert to a blank | ± (plus/minus sign) | Convert to a blank |
+ (plus sign) | Convert to a blank | _ (underscore) | Convert to a blank |
Keyword All searches (1016): The Keyword All search includes elements from the Abstract, Author, Title, Subject, Source Phrase, and Note indexes.
Using restrictors: English and Non-English are restrictors. All other language terms can be searched alone in the Language (54) index.
Using limiters: Use the Document Type (1001) index to limit an index search in order to narrow the focus of your search. OCLC uses this index as a limiter on the web.