Database name | OPG |
Short database name | GPO1 |
Available on | FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and |
Sources | U.S. government |
Number of records | Over 830,000 |
Copertura | Covers July 1976 to the present. |
Update frequency | Mensile |
Producer | U.S. Government Publishing Office |
Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.
Search indexes | Labels | Esempi |
Parola chiave | kw: | byproduct+ [keyword searches the Extended Title, Map Data, Notes, and Subject indexes] |
Abstract | ab: | higher education |
Access method | am: | army |
Autore | au: | o'hara ohara |
Author phrase | au= | ohara, charles g ohara charles g |
Conference name | cn: | federal forecasters conference |
Corporate name | co: | overseas private investment corporation |
Descriptors | de: | scanner+ |
Descriptors phrase | de= | bar coding |
Dewey Decimal class number | dd: | 300.71073 |
Edition | ed: | 2nd |
Geographic Name | gc= | cape cod mass |
Government document number | gn: | 1008c1008d |
Item number | it: | 40-b-1 |
Library of Congress call number | lc: | KZ6030 |
Map data | md: | scale or scales |
Named conference | cf: | lunar materials technology symposium |
Named corporation phrase | nc= | renssalaer polytechnic institute |
Named person | na: | jefferson thomas |
Nota | nt: | treaty |
OCLC number | oc: | 6001018 |
Place of publication | pl: | ohio |
Editore | pb: | mcgraw-hill |
Record type phrase | rt= | microfilm [use to refine other search terms] |
Report number | rn: | 807drr880pt1 |
Series Statement | se: | metallurgical |
Standard number | sn: | 0036-8741 |
Stock number | st: | 803-004-00000-5 |
Subject | su: | coffee+ |
Subject phrase | su= | food processing |
Titolo | ti: | music application+ |
Title phrase | ti= | music professional training |
Year | yr: | 1997 1993-1997 |
Subject phrase indexes (cf=, de=, na=, su=): Each portion of the subject heading (e.g., subheading in 650/a,x,y,z) will be handled as a distinct phrase search. The suggested strategy in searching for records that contain those subheadings is to and those terms together.
Example: 650 #a Nuclear Power Plants #x Safety Measures is searched by entering: nuclear power plants and safety measures.
If: | Use attribute: |
cf= | 5611 |
de= | 5650 |
gc= | 58 |
nc= | 5610 |
su= | 21 |
What follows is a list of FirstSearch indexes and the combination of USE and STRUCTURE attributes that can be used to access them.
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them:
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | Indexed Fields and Subfields |
Keyword (kw) | Any | 5110 | 2 |
110/t |
Keyword All |
Any |
1016 |
2 |
100/abcdequ |
Abstract (ab) | Abstract | 0062 | 2 | 520/a |
Access method (am) | Electronic location | 5856 | 2 | 856/u |
Author (au, au=) | Author-name | 1003 | 1, 2 |
100/abcdequ |
Named Conference (cf=) | OCLC Defined | 5611 | 1 | 611/acd,n,vxz |
Conference Name (cn) | Author-name-conference | 1006 | 1 |
111/a,en |
Corporate Name (co) | Author-name-corporate | 1005 | 1 |
110/acd,np |
Dewey Decimal Call Number (dd) | Classification-Dewey | 13 | 2 | 082/a 092/a |
Descriptors (de, de=) | OCLC Defined | 5650 | 1, 2 |
650/ab,vxyz |
Edition (ed) | OCLC Defined | 5250 | 2 | 250/a,b 254/a |
Geographic Name (gc=) | Name-geographic | 58 | 1 |
600/z |
Government Number (gn) | Classification-government-publication | 50 | 2 | 086/a,z 099/a |
Item Number (it) | OCLC Defined | 5074 | 2 | 074/a |
Library of Congress Call No. (lc) | Classification-LC | 16 | 2 | 050/a,b 090/ab |
Map Data (md) | Code-map-scale | 1024 | 2 | 034/abdefg 052/ab 255/a-d 507/ab |
Named Person (na) | Subject-name-personal | 1009 | 1 | 600/a-e,q |
Named Corporation (nc=) | OCLC Defined | 5610 | 1 | 610/a-d,knp,tvxyz |
Notes (nt) | Note | 63 | 2 |
500/a |
OCLC Number (oc) | OCLC Defined | 5999 | 2 | 001 |
Publisher (pb) | Name-publisher | 1018 | 2 | 260/b,f 533/c |
Place of Publication (pl) | Name-geographic-place-publication | 59 | 2 | 260/a 533/b |
Personal Name (pn=) | Author-name-personal | 1004 | 1 | 100/a-e,q 700/a-e,q |
Report Number (rn) | Identifier-report | 1027 | 2 | 027/a,z 088/a 770/r,u 773/u |
Record Type (rt=) | Material-type | 1031 | 1 | 964/t |
Series (se) | Title-series | 5 | 2 |
410/a,v |
Standard Number (sn) | Identifier-standard | 1007 | 2 | 010/a,z 020/a,z 022/a,y,z 024/a 030/a,z 247/x 400/x 410/x 411/x 440/x 490/x 534/x,z 700/x 710/x 711/x 730/x 760/x,y 762/x,y 770/x-z 773/x-z 780/x-z 785/x-z |
Stock Number (st) | Identifier-stock | 1028 | 2 | 037/a |
Subject (su, su=) | Subject | 21 | 1, 2 |
600/abcde,qtuvxyz |
Title (ti, ti=) | Titolo | 4 | 1, 2 |
110/t |
Year (yr) | OCLC Defined | 0031 | 2 |
008 |
List of FirstSearch fields for GPO Monthly Catalog and the MARC fields to which they correspond:
Field Name | MARC field(s) |
Control Number | 001 |
Control Number Identifier | 003 |
Date and Time of Latest Transaction | 005 |
Fixed-Length Data Elements | 006 |
Physical Description Fixed Field | 007 |
OCLC Number in binary | 009 |
Dates | 008 |
LC Control Number | 010/a,z |
National Bibliography Number | 015/a,2 |
National Bibliography Agency Control Number | 016/a,2 |
OCLC Control Number Cross-Reference | 019/a |
ISBN | 020/a,c,z |
ISSN | 022/a,L,y,z,2 |
Standard Technical Report Number | 027/a |
Other System Control Number | 029/a,b |
CODEN | 030/a,z |
Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data | 034/a,b,d,e,f,g |
Source of Acquisition | 037/a,b,c,f |
Cataloguing Source | 040/a,c,d |
Language Code | 041/a,h |
Authentication Code | 042/a |
Geographic Area Code | 043/a |
Local Holdings | 049/a |
LC Call Number | 050/a,b |
Geographic Classification | 052/a,b |
National Library of Medicine Call Number | 060/a,b |
NAL Call Number | 070/a,b |
Subject Category Code | 072/a |
GPO Item Number | 074/a |
Dewey Decimal Classification Number | 082/a |
Government Document Classification Number | 086/a,z |
Report Number | 088/a |
Locally Assigned LC-type Classification Number | 090/a,b |
Locally Assigned Dewey Classification Number | 092/a |
Local Free Text Classification Number | 099/a |
Autore | 100/a-e,g,q,u |
Corporate Author | 110/a,c-d,k,n,p,t |
Conference or Meeting Name | 111/a,e,k,n,t |
Uniform Title | 130/a,d,f,k,l,n,p,t |
Abbreviated Title | 210/a |
Variant Access Title | 212/a |
Key Title | 222/a,b |
Uniform Title | 240/a,d,g,k,l,n,p |
Translated Title | 242/a |
Title Statement | 245/a,b,c,f-h,n,p |
Varying Forms of Titles | 246/a |
Former Titles | 247/a,b,f,p |
Edition Statement | 250/a |
Cartographic Mathematical Data | 255/a-d |
Computer File Characteristics | 256/a |
Imprint | 260/a,b,c,e,f |
Physical Description | 300/a,b,c,e |
Current Publication Frequency (Serials) | 310/a,b |
Former Publication Frequency (Serials) | 321/a,b |
Dates of Publication/Volume Designation | 362/a |
Series Statement—Corporate Name | 410/a,v |
Series Statement | 490/a,v,x |
General Note | 500/a |
"With" Note | 501/a |
Dissertation Note | 502/a |
Bibliographic Note | 504/a |
Formatted Contents Note | 505/a |
Restrictions on Access Note | 506/a |
Scale Note for Graphic Material | 507/a,b |
Creation/Production Credits Note | 508/a |
Citation/Reference Note | 510/a |
Participant Note | 511/a |
Type of Report and Period Covered Note | 513/a,b |
Numbering Peculiarities Note | 515/a |
Date/Time and Place of an Event Note | 518/a |
Abstract | 520/a |
Target Audience Note | 521/a |
Supplement Note | 525/a |
Additional Physical form Available Note | 530/a |
Reproduction Note | 533/a,b,c,d,e |
Funding Information Note | 536/a-d,f,h |
System Details Note | 538/a |
Language Note | 546/a,b |
Issuing Body Note | 550/a |
Cumulative Index | 555/a |
Linking Entry Complexity Note | 580/a |
Source of Description Note | 588/a |
Subject Added Entry, Personal Name | 600/a-e,q,t,u,v,x,z |
Subject Added Entry, Corporate Name | 610/a-d,k,n,p,t,v,x-z |
Subject Added Entry, Meeting Name | 611/a,c,d,n,v,x |
Subject Added Entry, Uniform Title | 630/a,d,k,p,t,v,x |
Subject Added Entry, Topical | 650/a,b,v,x-z,2 |
Subject Added Entry, Geographic | 651/a,v,x-z |
Index Term, Uncontrolled | 653/a |
Genre Index Term | 655/a |
Local Subject Added Entry, Topical | 690/a,b,x-z |
Local Subject Added Entry, Geographic | 691/a,b,x-z |
Added Entry, Personal Name | 700/a-e,p,q,t,u |
Added Entry, Corporate Name | 710/a,c-e,n,p,t,u,x |
Added Entry, Meeting Name | 711/a,e,t |
Added Entry, Uniform Title | 730/a,d,f,g,k,l,n,p,s,t |
Added Entry, Uncontrolled Related Title | 740/a,n,p |
System Details | 753/a,b,c |
Main Series Entry | 760/a,g,t,x |
Subseries Entry | 762/t |
Supplement Issue Entry | 770/a,g,s,t,w,x,z |
Supplement Parent Entry | 772/a,s,t,w,x,z |
Host Item Entry | 773/a,d,g,t,x,z |
Other Edition Entry | 775/a,b,i,t,w,z |
Preceding Entry | 780/a,s,t,u,w,x |
Succeeding Entry | 785/a,s,t,u,w,x |
Nonspecific Relationship Entry | 787/a,b,g,s,t,w,x |
Series Added Entry, Personal Name | 800/a,d,t,v |
Series Added Entry, Corporate Name | 810/a-d,n,p,t,v |
Series Added Entry, Meeting Name | 811/a,t,v |
Series Added Entry, Uniform Title | 830/a,d,l,n,p,t,v |
Electronic Location and Access | 856/a-d,f-n,p,q,s-w,y,z,2,3,6,8 |
Indexed Document Type | 945/f |
GPO Internal Accession Number | 946/p |
Library Holdings | 948 Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. Additional detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
Document Type | 949/i |
OCLC Display Type | 949/x |
Record Type | 964/t |
OCLC Load Date | 980/g |
The following restrictors can be used only in conjunction with an index search. They must be added to an index search with the Boolean AND in order to receive results:
Restrictor | Type | Input | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute |
Year | All years Single year Range of years |
-- 19xx, 20xx 19xx - 20xx |
31 | 5 |
Document Type | Book Serial Visual Map Machine-Readable Recording Score Manuscript |
bks ser med map mrf rec score mss |
1001 | 1 |
Search results in the GPO Monthly Catalog database can be sorted by Author (1003), Title (4), and Publication Date (30).
(exceptions are made, but these are generally correct):
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" | Delete and collapse | $ | Delete and collapse |
' | (apostrophe) Delete and collapse | % | Delete and collapse |
. | (period) Delete and collapse | * | Delete and collapse |
, | (comma) Delete and collapse | + | Delete and collapse |
; | Delete and collapse | > | Delete and collapse |
: | Delete and collapse | < | Delete and collapse |
() | Delete and collapse | @ | Delete and collapse |
<> | Delete and collapse | ? | Delete and collapse |
{} | Delete and collapse | -- | Delete and collapse |
[] | Delete and collapse | / | Substitute a space |
= | Delete and collapse | - | Retain and index |
! | Delete and collapse | & | Retain and index |
# | Delete and collapse |
Keyword ALL searches (1016): The Keyword All search finds information in these fields: Extended Author, Extended Title, Notes, and Subject (034/a,b,d-g, 255/a-e, 052/a).
Using limiters: You can limit searches by Year (31) and Document Type (1001).