Database name | ERIC |
Short database name | ERIC |
Available on | FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery, and |
Sources | Sources include 1,000+ journals and other materials
Please visit Journals Indexed in ERIC for the current title list. |
Number of records | 1.7 million+ |
Copertura | 1966 to present |
Update frequency | Mensile |
Producer | The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. |
Use a colon after an index label (for example, au:) when you are not certain of your search terms. Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. You can search with an index label from any search screen. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. The following examples show sample rather than actual searches.
Search indexes | Labels | Esempi |
Parola chiave | kw: | coffee and doughnuts [keyword searches the Abstract, Notes, Source Phrase, Subject, and Title indexes] |
Abstract | ab: | house+ |
Accession number | no: | ej557471 |
Associated institution | :in | seychelles |
Associated institution phrase | in= | sallie mae, washington dc |
Autore | au: | o'hara ohara |
Author phrase | au= | o'hara, john ohara john [last name first] |
Corporate author | co= | council of teachers |
Corporate author phrase | co= | national council of teachers of mathematics, inc., reston, va |
Date of entry | da: | 2005 aug2005 riejan1985 cijmar1985 |
Descriptor | de: | tax |
Descriptor phrase | de= | education majors |
Document type | dt= | article ej document ed [use to refine other search terms] |
Education level phrase | el= | primary education |
First page | pg: | 5 |
Identifier | id: | permutation+ |
Identifier phrase | id= | pascal triangle |
Problema | is: | 143 |
Language phrase | ln= | korean (use alone or to limit other search terms; browse index for available languages] |
Level of availability | lv: | 1 [Level 1 — Available on microfiche. Level 2 — Available on microfiche. Level 3 — Indexed only.] |
Nota | nt: | attitude+ |
Peer-reviewed | pr: | yes |
Publication date | pd: | 1990 [browse index for date formats] |
Publication type | pt: | bibliographies |
Publication type phrase | pt= | non-print media |
Report number | rn: | 565ah70023 |
Fonte | so: | math |
Source phrase | so= | nctm math notes |
Standard number | sn: | 0008-820x |
Subject | su: | +curriculum |
Subject phrase | su= | curriculum development |
Target audience | ta: | teachers |
Titolo | ti: | british isle+ |
Title phrase | ti= | summer programs in the british isles |
Volume | vo: | 33 |
Year | yr: | 2004 [use to refine other search terms] |
What follows is a list of FirstSearch indexes and the combination of USE and STRUCTURE attributes that can be used to access them.
FirstSearch Indexes and USE and STRUCTURE attributes used to access them:
Index | Descrizione | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | Indexed Fields and Subfields |
Keyword (kw) | Any | 5110 | 2 | 020/a 088/a 245/a 260/c 500/a 510/d 520/a 521/a 536/b 590/e,t 650/a 653/a 693/f 773/t,x,z 798/x 949/e |
Keyword All (ka) | Any | 1016 | 2 | 020/a 088/a 100/a 245/a 260/c 500/a 510/d 520/a 521/a 536/b 590/e,t 650/a 653/a 693/f 700/a 710/a 773/t,x,z 798/x 949/e |
Abstract (ab) | Abstract | 62 | 2 | 520/a |
Accession Number (no) | Control number-local | 12 | 2 | 035/a |
Associated Institution (in, in=) | OCLC Defined | 5152 | 1,2 | 972/k |
Author (au, au=) | Author-name | 1003 | 1, 2 | 100/a 700/a 710/a |
Corporate Author(s) (co, co=) | Author-name-corporate | 1005 | 1,2 | 710/a |
Date of Entry (da) | OCLC Defined | 5040 | 2 | 947/n 953/b |
Descriptor (de, de=) | OCLC Defined | 5650 | 1, 2 | 650/a 693/f |
Document Type (dt=) | Code-record-type | 1001 | 1 | 949/i |
Education Level (el=) | OCLC Defined | 5153 | 1 | 590/e |
First Page (pg) | OCLC Defined | 5006 | 2 | 949/f |
Identifier (id, id=) | Subject-local | 29 | 1, 2 | 653/a |
Issue (is) | OCLC Defined | 5004 | 2 | 949/b, d |
Language (ln=) * | Code-language | 54 | 1 | 546/a 917/j 972/j |
Level of Availability (lv) | OCLC Defined | 5053 | 2 | 972/i (valid values for this index: 1, 2, 3) |
Notes (nt) | Note | 63 | 2 | 088/a 500/a 510/d 521/a 536/b 590/e 590/t |
Peer-Reviewed (pr) | OCLC Defined | 5967 | 2 | 907/1 |
Publication Date (pd) | Data | 30 | 2 | 260/c 949/e |
Publication Type (pt, pt=) | OCLC Defined | 5273 | 1, 2 | 949/l |
Report Number (rn) | Identifier-report | 1027 | 2 | 088/a |
Standard Number (sn, sn=) | Identifier-standard | 1007 | 1,2 | 020/a 773/x,z 798/x |
Source (so, so=) | Title-host-item | 1033 | 1, 2 | 773/t |
Subject (su, su=) | Subject | 21 | 1, 2 | 650/a 653/a 693/f |
Target Audience (ta) | OCLC Defined | 5050 | 2 | 521/a |
Title (ti, ti=) | Titolo | 4 | 1, 2 | 245/a |
Volume (vo) | OCLC Defined | 5013 | 2 | 949/a |
Year (yr) * | Date-publication | 31 | 4,5 | 008 <date> |
List of FirstSearch fields for ERIC and the MARC fields to which they correspond:
Field Name | MARC field(s) |
Year | 008 <date> |
ISBN | 020/a |
Standard SICI Code | 024/a |
ERIC Accession Number | 035/a |
Report Number | 088/a |
Autore | 100/a |
Titolo | 245/a |
Editore | 260/b |
Data di pubblicazione | 260/c |
Publisher URL | 260/u |
Number of Pages | 300/a |
Note | 500/a |
Citation | 510/d |
Abstract | 520/a |
Target Audience | 521/a |
Contact | 536/b |
Lingua | 546/a |
Educational Level | 590/e |
Source Name | 590/t |
Major Descriptor | 650/a |
Identifier | 653/a |
Descriptor | 693/f |
Autore | 700/a |
Corporate Author | 710/a |
Fonte | 773/g |
Journal Name | 773/t |
ISSN | 773/x |
ISBN | 773/z |
Publisher URL | 798/u |
ISSN | 798/x |
Peer-reviewed Indicator | 907/1 |
"And Others" | 912/f |
"Non-English" | 917/j |
Date Issued | 947/n |
Library Holdings | 948 Detailed holdings information is available in FirstSearch Z39.50 Configuration Guide - Element Set Names. |
Volume | 949/a |
Problema | 949/b |
Pagination | 949/c |
Supplement | 949/d |
Data | 949/e |
First Page Number | 949/f |
Marketing Defined Date | 949/g |
Document Type | 949/i |
Julian Date | 949/j |
Publication Type | 949/l |
Display Type | 949/x |
Date of Entry | 953/b |
Link to ERIC Full-text | 956/u |
Number of References | 961/h |
Level of Availability | 972/i |
"Multilingual" | 972/j |
Associated Institution | 972/k |
The following restrictors can only be used in conjunction with an index search. They must be added to an index search with the Boolean AND to receive search results.
Restrictor | Type | Input | Use Attribute | Structure Attribute | MARC Tag |
Document Type Phrase* | All Document Journal Article |
— document (ed) article (ej) |
1001 | 1 | 949/i |
Language Phrase* | All languages English Non-English No Language Available Multilingual |
— english non-English no language available multilingual |
54 | 1 | 546/a 917/j 972/j |
Limit to Full Text | Limit to full text | — full text |
6002 | 2 | Limit to Full Text |
Limit to Holdings | OCLC Institution Symbol | Enter symbol for OCLC institution | 56 | 2 | Limit to Holdings |
Peer Reviewed* | All Yes No |
— Yes No |
5967 | 2 | 907/1 |
Year* | All years Single year Range of years |
— 19xx, 20xx 19xx - 20xx |
31 | 5 | 008 <date> |
* Document Type, Language, Peer-Reviewed and Year are both indexes and restrictors.
Search results in the ERIC database can be sorted by Author (1003), Title (4), Source (1033), and Publication Date (30).
(exceptions are made, but these are generally correct):
Punctuation | Rule | Punctuation | Rule |
" | Delete and collapse | $ | Delete and collapse |
' | (apostrophe) Delete and collapse | % | Delete and collapse |
. | (period) Delete and collapse | * | Delete and collapse |
, | (comma) Delete and collapse | + | Delete and collapse |
; | Delete and collapse | > | Delete and collapse |
: | Delete and collapse | < | Delete and collapse |
() | Delete and collapse | @ | Delete and collapse |
<> | Delete and collapse | ? | Delete and collapse |
{} | Delete and collapse | -- | Delete and collapse |
[] | Delete and collapse | / | Substitute a space |
= | Delete and collapse | - | Retain and index |
! | Delete and collapse | & | Retain and index |
# | Delete and collapse |
Keyword plus Author searches (1016): The Keyword search finds information in these fields: author (100/a, 700/a, 710/a); notes (088/a, 500/a, 510/d, 520/a, 521/a, 536/b, 590/e, 590/t); publication date (260/c; 949/e); standard number (020/a; 773/x; 773/z; 798/x); source phrase (773/t); subject: (650/a, 653/a, 693/f); title (245/a).
You can limit searches by Document Type Phrase (1001), Language Phrase (54), Library Holdings (56), Peer-Reviewed (5967) and Year (31).
The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Some material in the ERIC database is from copyrighted sources of the respective copyright holders. Users of the bibliographic records from the ERIC database are responsible for compliance with any copyright, patent or trademark restrictions and are referred to the copyright, patent or trademark notices appearing in the original sources, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference.